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Posts tagged with :raycast:

Since my last update, I did a few things: • Worked on my desktop-transferred version of the raycaster to make it multithreaded and rendered a really nice 1080p image to finish the book. This is still the exact same raycasting code from the calculator but modified to run in one process per thread and merge the images in the end. I tried to mimic the ending scene they have in the book. This is the first image attached. • Worked on my calculator version to make it progressively render images so I can pause it at any time and have a nice-looking image. I thought this would be simple -- store the accumulated color of every pixel in a list, add to it, and divide by the total samples each pass. However, the restricted environment I'm working with is starting to show. It turns out that Python code is only allowed an extremely small amount of memory -- around 20KB from my testing. This meant that, no matter how I stored the data (unless there's some magical way to losslessly and efficiently store a color per pixel that I'm unaware of), it ended up being a tradeoff of either rendering at full resolution and not using this new feature or rendering at quarter resolution. Overnight, I did a quarter-resolution render, and I'll probably go back and do a full-resolution one without the new progressive system. However, the quarter-resolution render still looks great! It intentionally has a pretty aggressive depth-of-field, so the blurred left and right spheres are expected. It's cool that stuff like this can be done on a calculator (and programmed on a calculator)! The second image is a screenshot through my fixed libnspire and the third is the same image on the calculator's screen. I've been doing a scrapbook post for every hack session (and often doing work without a hack session), so I misunderstood the proper flow there... However, consider this my true "ship" of this project idea. I'll probably keep adding to it with concepts from the later books, but I also have some other projects I'm excited to work on!
It's difficult to see through a picture (and the render definitely needs more samples but I opted for a higher resolution this time), but dielectrics are working! the sphere on the left is a hollow glass sphere that bends light as one would expect!
day 4 of #10-days-in-public: i've been working on a raycast extension for lightning time ⚡ i didn't do very much today, but i closed an issue on the raycast extension. tiny update: charges now appear in the lightning time string, and a new action was added to allow you to copy the string without the charges. tomorrow probably also won't be a super productive day, but i expect to update the npm package to allow users to change the default color representation.
day 3 of #10-days-in-public: today is a travel day so i didn't get a lot done, but i've been making the raycast extension for lightning time that i made a couple days ago better. today i fiddled with regex to make the validation for commands that require you to input a string better. yesterday i added the hex codes for each color when rendering a lightning time string, which i like a lot because it's actually such a cool way to visualize how the colors are generated. (can you see it?) this weekend, i want to finalize the api structure for my npm package, set up a blog for purdue hackers, and start writing the explainer blog post. i would like to ship lightning time before the end of #10-days-in-public :D
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Here's a picture of my macbook :macbook-air-space-gray-screen: terminal using Raycast :raycast: Confetti! 🎉 So the point of this extra post was to mention that I learned as well a few more things on how does the app works, which will be useful when I start getting into building extensions.
I’m going to be working on a Raycast :raycast: extension! This is going to be very useful to learn React :react: and TypeScript :typescript: ! Also here’s a cool :cooll-dino: landscape 🌆 picture of the day! 📸
Updating my :raycast: raycast xkcd extension to use the new apis — now it can display comics inline with the list!
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yodacode.xyz/F7128236162.png I made a Siri shortcut to upload screenshots from my phone to my image host. I already made a Raycast script for it but now I have a script for when I'm on my phone.
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making more progress ✨ as it turns out, octoprint has this lovely websocket server built in, so the plugin subscribes to that and it receives automatic updates about every half second! i still need to use the rest api for controlling stuff and retrieving information about files, but at least i don’t have to deal with polling 😁 the last things i need to implement are actions for managing jobs / printer connection and a page for viewing more detailed info about the server then i’ll be ready to publish! here’s the source if anyone’s curious 👀 edit: go star the repo i’m desperate for internet points kthxbye
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making a raycast extension that lets you manage/start prints from a connected octoprint server! :3d-printer: :raycast:
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Making my first :raycast: Raycast extension! Right now it just shows your your Canvas courses and lets you open them in a browser.
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:raycast: Yet another raycast extension! I made a todo list extension that allows you to easily create a todo list from within raycast, mark items as completed and pin important items. You can also switch between insert mode for adding new items and search mode to search your existing items. Install it at www.raycast.com/maggie/todo-list
made a raycast extension for browsing xkcd!
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Updating my 2FA extension for Raycast to work with the new API!
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Caleb’s new project called shorty is super awesome! I even made a little raycast script for it to randomly generate a name for the url and copy it to the clipboard:

# @raycast.schemaVersion 1
# @raycast.title Add Shorty Link (Automatic)
# @raycast.mode silent
# @raycast.packageName Shorty
# Documentation:
# @raycast.author Matthew Gleich
# @raycast.authorURL <https://mattglei.ch>
# @raycast.argument1 { "type": "text", "placeholder": "URL" }

# token
# e.g. <https://clb.li>


curl "$SHORTY_DOMAIN/api/link/$RANDOM_NUMBER" -d "url=$1" -H "Authorization: Bearer $SHORTY_TOKEN" &gt;&gt;/dev/null

echo $URL | pbcopy
echo "Copied $URL to clipboard"
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Made a custom #raycast to get my project links instantly
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Coding crazy fast with fgh and raycast :ultrafastparrot:
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