In my configuration for NixOS, I added declarative managing of secrets using Sops-nix and used it to set my brave sync code, ssh private key, and my user password. I'll add more stuff later, but this is it for now. Idk what to upload for a pic, so I'll upload a pic of my encrypted secrets.yaml file, which is public.
Okay - for my Nixvim configuration today, i added autocompletions and snippets using friendly snippets and nvim-cmp; add whichkey to show set keybindings; add Lazygit support; add enum all for treesitter; add telescope keybindings; and add debugging for: c using codelldb, c++ using codelldb, rust using codelldb + rustaceanvim, go using dap-go and delve, and python using dap-python. The rustaceanvim alone took me more than an hour 😭. Though, here's a pic of my debugging setup with codelldb + rust with the simple Josephus problem:
I gave up on using a prebuilt neovim ide (called Lunarvim) and decided to configure my own using Nixvim. Today, I: Add Ruff, Rust-Analyzer, and Statix Linters; add lspBuf keymaps for hover, definition, and codeactions; add nvim-lint with popular lintersByFt for over 16 different languages using their own linters and using a nixpkgs instances to get their linting programs; add conform.nvim for formatting, with the same previous 16 different languages, again using a nixpkgs instance to get their formatting program; add formatonsave for conform.nvim; and add autocompletion and snippets through nvim-cmp, cmp-nvim-lsp, cmp-path, cmp_luasnip, cmd-cmdline, friendly-snippets, and luasnip. (Dang that was a lot to type out.) This is a screenshot of the formatting part, cuz idk what to show lmaoo. Repo: