

0-day streak
Gait positioning testing
Gait positioning testing
in preparation for my pcb from #onboard coming and my extra parts I decided to implement the gait I created in desmos with a singular working servo (that I have). Honestly looking super forward to getting all my parts and starting a 2nd iteration of CAD!
Ig day 11 of #10-days-in-public? Tryna keep my streak alive. I tried to implement inverse kinematics which I will apply on my bot later? We will see. Still pretty cool though It's a bit wack lol
day 10 of #10-days-in-public!!! woo hoo last day! Although it is the last day I will still try to post every day/every other day! Today I put in my order for my pcb which will be coming soon! Also placing some orders for other parts and starting on 3D modeling the legs and body v2!
Day 9 of #10-days-in-public Today I put in my order for my PCB! I am going to put in my orders for hardware too. I have been putting a lot of club stuff on the backburner, so I worked on my club's site today!
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Day 8 (whoops) of #10-days-in-public I reorganized the repo for my OnBoard grant, currently waiting for the grant to be accepted. I am not able to do much because of school but the last 3 day are about to be really eventful!
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Day 7 of #10-days-in-public I went over my entire pcb build and put in a request for onboard! I gotta make some changes tho but I will order tmrw if I have time Final Board Design:
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day 6 of #10-days-in-public! Gotta redo my pcb since the arduino module I used did not have the correct pinouts
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Afterwards I am gonna order my pcb!
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2nd of the day - added reverse voltage protection!
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day 5 of #10-days-in-public! I got more done today, had to do it earlier so I could fit in my hw at the end of the day (kinda unhealthy ik) I got V1 of my board done! I will look at it some more and then maybe order it soon!
day 4 of #10-days-in-public not much today, slow progress due to not knowing what I should do next. I wired some stuff up
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Day 3 of #10-days-in-public I fully decided I will use an arduino nano after researching in the hopes of it being lightweight enough for servos to hold up. I started on the pcb design and it will most likely end up looking like this:
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Day 2 of #10-days-in-public Just getting a quick post, might update with more later. I started researching what components I might need for my pcb, and made an initial layout for it. I want to design this pcb to be small and modular for a microcontroller (not sure what I will use yet). The layout of the pcb is probably going to change.
Day 1 of #10-days-in-public! I arrived home late due to track, but got to work on learning pcb design! I followed the hackercard from #onboard and it was really helpful it getting me used to the software! I will be experimenting more, but here is my finished schematic for day 1 I think i put in a wrong component so ill fix that lol
Scrapbooking the eats after summit, we went to Taishoken which is a Ramen place. 9/10 solid Ramen & thanks to summit team!
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Still not done with my WHW robot (technically). I have finished building my robot but it is not exactly the best design, so I have been thinking about upgrading from micro servos to servos. (It will result in the robot being bigger but also able to handle more of a load)
WHW day 4, 5, and 6 =================== I've been doing the same thing these past few days, just debugging and figuring out why my arduino isn't doing what my code tells it to do, pretty frustrating. I also found some design flaws so I decided to go back to modeling the new robot, which will be done hopefully 2 days from now and printed out.
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WHW day 3 =================== Progress again! Not as much but still pretty signifigant 🙂 I was able to get my wiring done and dusted! (However it is just for development purposes for now as it is really cluttery). In the process I was able to create a huge wire monster lol! Started on the programming, but have been running into porting issues to my uno so currently trying to fix that 😅
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Big Milestone! Day 2 of my WHW project ================================ Really productive day today! I was able to get my torso design done and printed (7 whole hours!) and printing the rest of the legs. Hit a big milestone and got the main structure of the robot done 😄 a few hicups along the way (a few micro servos broke) but I got it done!
First Scrapbook post for my WHW project! My project is a quadruped robot so I have been modeling a leg, and I have finally settled on a design! Hope I get enough done to share my finished product with you guys 🙂 To Do still: Wiring 1. settle on how I will power my robot 2. (maybe) switch from a breadboard to a stripboard Programming - leg movement