@sam0Day 1 (the second day) of #frc at Newmarket, Ontario!
Was super fun seeing all the other teams' robot designs.
@ShawnMalluwa-U04BBP8H9FA0finished first model of my chassis. split into 3 parts, I intend to CNC the wooden sections once i finish my MPCNC
@Scott1700Big Milestone! Day 2 of my WHW project
Really productive day today! I was able to get my torso design done and printed (7 whole hours!) and printing the rest of the legs. Hit a big milestone and got the main structure of the robot done 😄
a few hicups along the way (a few micro servos broke) but I got it done!
@m040Installed notion enhancer and customized the fonts!
@celeste0first day working in person at hq :3
unfortunately my desk is insufficiently messy; as such i need suggestions for random bullshit to fill it with