@JomarMilan0Wrote a Python script serving with CGI which draws a banner for my GitHub profile's README with data from the GraphQL API! The XP and LV is based on my contribution count (public and private depending on profile settings).@VijayKv0Made some more commits in my PR while doing an open source contribution in tailcallhqgithub.com/tailcallhq/graphql-benchmarks/pull/331
Finished work on clubs spicification! It now lives in PR#422, waiting to be merged. Special hate to graphql for being so complicated (#sorrynotsorry).
Now excuse me, as I go and cry over some wave physics. see you tomorrow!
@reesericci0i'm working on a new graphql api for the cyberpatriot scoreboard
@sampoder0The homepage for #scrapbook-dev was looking… umm, well see for yourself. No where near finished, but gave it a small update and coat of paint! The real purpose behind this was to setup nested data fetching within GraphQL so that we can have the account’s username :D
(sidenote: we need you all’s help! check out #scrapbook-dev, there’ll be more issues dropping in there over the week)
@zrl0Day 6/10 for #10-days-in-public! During this journey, I’m rebuilding zachlatta.com. Unfortunately I came down with a cold today, so it’s another short day for me 😞. I spent a little time in the morning trying to figure out how to make Markdown files in (nested) subfolders work. The GraphQL query fetching the list of files from GitHub’s API needs to be rewritten to accomplish this. Thanks so much for your help this morning on this @caleb!
@zrl0Day 5/10 of #10-days-in-public! I’m spending this time rebuilding zachlatta.com. A bit of a lighter day for me. I spent some time focusing on polishing the post view page (see screenshot). Next tasks: sort posts by last edit, show publish time and last edit on post page, get posts in subfolders working (need to figure out how to wrangle the GraphQL API query to GitHub), get images working, and get links working.
Really excited about how it’s coming together!
@sampoder0day 4 of #10-days-in-public! double-scrap today!
first up, i worked on #scrapbook-dev to add the ability to add it your account. I learnt more about Redwood’s auth implementation and GraphQL directives in RedwoodJS.
second up, i made small little Sprig game: editor.sprig.hackclub.com/?file=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hackclub/sprig/main/games/catch_orpheus.js. was super fun, made it during my workshops at sego lily hacks!
also did some more stuff that’s stirring up in #epoch-bts….. join us!@Andrew0Day 4 of #10-days-in-public. I setup nexus prisma (graphql-nexus.github.io), and I faced an issue setting it up but fortunately I fixed it
I also started creating a basic mock-up for our web dashboard so I have something to build off of, since we already have a colorscheme and an idea of what our web dashboard will look like it shouldn’t be too hard to implement. I plan to start building the web dashboard on either day 5 or day 6.
I deployed our backend to hop.io today. We have credits so I decided to take advantage of that (our stack for our backend is typescript, fastify, graphql & prisma if you are curious)
i made progress on the github auth for our web dashboard (not ready just yet)
More RedwoodJS & GraphQL exploration for #scrapbook-dev! Today I was exploring filtering within a query which led me down the rabbit hole of arguments and then resolvers… but here we are. I really feel like the more I try out these small things, the more comfortable I feel with the whole system in general which is fun :D@sampoder0🌲 More adventures in the Redwoods! Have been learning the ropes of GraphQL by creating a rough posting system for #scrapbook-dev :D Something I found really hard was limiting updating & deleting, which I finally managed to work out tonight using Redwood’s Directives system: redwoodjs.com/docs/directives and some wonderful help from @tejasag.
We really need to jazz up this form…. I’ll post a bit more in #scrapbook-dev soon!@sampoder0
I had a go at figuring out server-side data fetching from an external REST API, though I couldn’t quite figure out the method they outlined in their reference docs with a GraphQL intermediary. I’ll probably give it another shot tomorrow.
@sporeball0trying to figure out what i think of Obsidian
@jessicard0it’s been a minute since I’ve written a graphql query (actually, not since I worked at github, lmao), but i wrote up a query for an api endpoint to use on contribute.hackclub.com. the query part wasn’t the hard part, but figuring out how to auth with a github app was a little tricky! we got there in the end though 🙂
@clairebookworm0draft slides for an upcoming conference! gill sans is so great for academia presentations font
@m040Apollo client cache can be really annoying sometimes, I had to implement my own logic for when to get things from the server and from the cache to get this to work
@rajanagarwal0starting full stack course for MERN, Typescript and GraphQL. Let’s hope for the best
@safin.singh0i've playing around with graphql and seeing how far i can take codegen to get fully-typed queries/mutations/etc and i've got it to work pretty well! had to patch urql's types a little since apollo-server is weird (or maybe urql is weird) but anyway its pretty awesome