

0-day streak
Version 4.03.0 of ClassCover is Released! in this version i have: • Adding importing from CSV for Teachers And Students • Added A Page To Manage Classes • Made A page for dangerous actions • Made A Form For Student Signup And More! More Planned features and features i've worked on can be seen Here GitHub:
Version 4.02.1 of ClassCover is Released! in this version i have: • Worked more on Design: With a new Menu and A new home page to replace my subs and report absence! as well as a new Login and Register page! • Worked on Optimization • Added a Way to Create The Admin user • Added a way to print today Schedule • Added a way to manage Teachers • Changed the Way Teachers are added to be Better! • Added Class Descriptions! • Updated ReadMe More Planned features and features i've worked on can be seen Here GitHub:
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github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
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Shipped the Next Version of my School Management Website (which still needs a name) • Added Students • Added a way To see Free rooms • Added Filters for The Timetable • Added Student manager, a place where School manager can see info about The students • Added a way for Students to set Their Schedule • Improved Emails in this scrapbook post i've: • improved the way to manage students and schedules • improved emails • fixed bugs • added classes descriptions
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
Added students and schedules to my School Management Website, what this actually means: • added a way to see free rooms • added filters for the timetable • added Student model • add schedule model • add schedule manager, a page where the school admin can see who has a schedule and who doesn't, and can send an schedule setting invite and more • added a way for students to set their schedule planned features: • a way to see student info (schedule, grade and more...) • improve emails • a better way to manage students
Added students and schedules to my School Management Website, what this actually means: • added Student model • add schedule model • add schedule manager, a page where the school admin can see who has a schedule and who doesn't, and can send an schedule setting invite and more • added a way for students to set their schedule planned features: • a way to see student info (schedule, grade and more...) • improve emails • a better way to manage students
Finished Version two of my Substitutes project, in this version i shifted the project to a more general schedule program with the Substitutes features, Teacher are now able to set the classes (like is done in the start of the year) and you can see a schedule. This probably wont be the last version, but ive made changes that feel like they deserve a new version. Github:
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
react emoji
github emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
Finished the Teacher section of my Teacher Substitutes website Project currently it has these pages: • A page to report an absence • A page to see the classes you are substituting • A page for some teachers to assign substitutions
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji