

0-day streak
Today is such a fun day. I meet with my friends Marco, Dilraj, Huzaifa, and Kai. We had pizza together and fiddled around with a vacuum chamber. (it's for a proposed nuclear fusor.) Also I got my esp32 cam from amazon, and unlike the last one, this one's working perfectly.
I've been working on the tennis ball detector for most of today and it worked great! I learned a lot of opencv functions and solutions like thresholding, blurring, finding contours, and finding centroids of shapes. Awesome!
I'm trying to make a computer vision program that detects tennis balls. There will be a ball picking robot eventually.
Here's the progress of my vision drone project with my friend Marco. Setting up a raspberry PI zero W: Since we don't have a monitor or peripherals, we decided to do a headless setup, and utilize the wifi capability of the pi for PC to pi communication. The pi connects to my laptop hotspot successfully, and the desktop os is working.
wom emoji
wom emoji
Here's my first test post: cookies!