Fri, Jul 3, 2020Our first virtual meet hackclub cgc @sakshamkaundal01 @rohtanshsehgalambala @megurpartapsingh @vipulgup03 @rishabhsahni2001 @kapoorvinayak2k @samarthkumar192 @parvparihar55 @abhaychaubey68 Wed, Jul 1, 2020Adding extensions to the popOS. It's simply awesome thing to do. Customize everything whatever you want. Hope I will not go back to windows after all this cool stuff.Mon, Jun 29, 2020Have a change to pop
Our first virtual meet hackclub cgc @sakshamkaundal01 @rohtanshsehgalambala @megurpartapsingh @vipulgup03 @rishabhsahni2001 @kapoorvinayak2k @samarthkumar192 @parvparihar55 @abhaychaubey68
Adding extensions to the popOS. It's simply awesome thing to do. Customize everything whatever you want. Hope I will not go back to windows after all this cool stuff.