added the ability to look up alliances, whether it be a one in a Qualification match, or a Playoff Alliance and how accurate they are, to my FRC scouting data analyzer.
Added the ability to receive and display Comments from your drive team on other team's drive teams to my FRC Scouting Data Analyzer.
add the ability to receive and display pit scouting data, as well as two pie charts that cycle and human player data, to my FRC Scouting Data Analyzer.
added the ability to handle Human Player data, the tracking of each match's data, as well as background and stylistic improvements to my FRC scouting data analyzer.
Made progress on my FRC scouting data analyzer GUI. It now has backgrounds, and can accept Human Player data in addition to teleop data
I made progress on a data analyzer GUI for FRC Scouting Data. It can now take in either txt or csv files with only Teleop data and read in the data. Plus, the search Team feature will allow you select a team, and it will give the teams stats.