

0-day streak
Todays Evening 🌆 was really great😊 🌍 🌚
https://cloud-8kspnnsr7.vercel.app/0img-20200802-wa0039.jpg https://cloud-8kspnnsr7.vercel.app/1img-20200802-wa0038.jpg
`Hello guy's Hope so all are doing well !!` 😊 ❤️ So I am here to Invite all the Maker's from all over the world 🌍 are Invited to channel #makerspace-world The purpose of channel is.. "" *The Goal is to work all together to learn*📖 *, collaborate* 👨 "" So, all the maker's lets have together and Ready to explore 🗺️ 🎲 🌚 Welcome to the Maker World #makerspace-world Click below link to make a view on my work place ( JU MAKERSPACE ) <https://www.instagram.com/jumakerspace/|https://www.instagram.com/jumakerspace/>
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Solving 30 days of code on Hackerrank #Codingisfun C++
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After 4 hrs straight coding gone outside and found 🌈 There is beautiful 😍🌚 Nature outside... Common lets see..
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This is too tough to control !! The instagram stuff {MEMES} Anyone else have activity like this 👇 I will so glad to know about you !!
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Any one help me for giving the idea about... How i can make 3-D stunning wall printer?? Working with my team in makerspace.. Anyone has any idea can dm me , Thanks in advance😊
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Working on my room !! Just got bored with tubelight.. Let's use LED strip with music..
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https://cloud-ak2tsl734.vercel.app/0img-20200705-wa0008.jpg https://cloud-ak2tsl734.vercel.app/1img-20200706-wa0012.jpg https://cloud-ak2tsl734.vercel.app/2img-20200704-wa0037.jpg
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Here is outlook of my project. #LED_CUBE 8x8x8 I am ready with my soldering part, hardware part and coding part. Just connections are left and due for tomorrow. I am so excited for tomorrow...to shine my eyes💫 with BLUE LED's ""MY ALL TIME FAVORITE"". So tomorrow this time..🙈🙈🙈🎉 @jumakerpace
https://cloud-1vwiit22x.vercel.app/0img-20200205-wa0023.jpg https://cloud-1vwiit22x.vercel.app/1img-20200205-wa0021.jpg
This was too hard...... Soldered... Continuity check than disolder.. Again soldering.. Finally completed my pcb work for LED CUBE STAY TUNED FOR LED CUBE....
https://cloud-ifnpoodmg.vercel.app/0img_20200218_181253.jpg https://cloud-ifnpoodmg.vercel.app/1img_20200223_175052.jpg
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Amazing experience with LED's...
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Working on my hobby... Competitive coding and its really amazing feeling when you solve the problems Try once... #hackerrank #geeksforgeeks
https://cloud-87reofr87.vercel.app/0img_20200606_103551_290.jpg https://cloud-87reofr87.vercel.app/1img_20200606_104135_964.jpg https://cloud-87reofr87.vercel.app/2img_20200606_103551_291.jpg