`Hello guy's
Hope so all are doing well !!` 😊 ❤️
So I am here to Invite all the Maker's from all over the world 🌍 are Invited to channel #makerspace-world
The purpose of channel is..
"" *The Goal is to work all together to learn*📖 *, collaborate* 👨 ""
So, all the maker's lets have together and Ready to explore 🗺️ 🎲 🌚
Welcome to the Maker World
Click below link to make a view on my work place ( JU MAKERSPACE )<https://www.instagram.com/jumakerspace/|https://www.instagram.com/jumakerspace/>
Solving 30 days of code on Hackerrank
After 4 hrs straight coding gone outside and found 🌈
There is beautiful 😍🌚 Nature outside...
Common lets see..
This is too tough to control !!
The instagram stuff {MEMES}
Anyone else have activity like this 👇
I will so glad to know about you !!
Any one help me for giving the idea about...
How i can make 3-D stunning wall printer??
Working with my team in makerspace..
Anyone has any idea can dm me ,
Thanks in advance😊 🔥
Working on my room !!
Just got bored with tubelight..
Let's use LED strip with music..
And here we are going great till now..
#Summer with jumakerspace
Python day 3
Arduino day 3
Very excited and eagerly waiting for delivery.
Thankyou so much @sampoder@orpheus2@roshan
Here is outlook of my project.
#LED_CUBE 8x8x8
I am ready with my soldering part, hardware part and coding part.
Just connections are left and due for tomorrow.
I am so excited for tomorrow...to shine my eyes💫 with BLUE LED's ""MY ALL TIME FAVORITE"".
So tomorrow this time..🙈🙈🙈🎉
This was too hard......
Soldered... Continuity check than disolder..
Again soldering..
Finally completed my pcb work for LED CUBE
Amazing experience with LED's...Working on my hobby... Competitive coding and its really amazing feeling when you solve the problems
Try once...