

0-day streak
i finished making the project that i made a scrapbook post about a few days ago! it is now a finished product. its a react native app for a first responder system that my friend and i submitted for a hackathon,, and features location tracking, notifications, and a chat system. i used react native, tailwindcss, the google maps API, the nominatim api, and firebase firestore. you can see our full submission including a video demo and explanation of the project here: download and installation links for the mobile app are on that page, too. my friend worked on the hardware aspect while I focused on the software. all my scraps in arcade were for my work on the software. the final github repo is here: attached are some pictures of the final product, but the devpost link and video shows off a full demo of it working.
currently working on a submission for a hackathon,, with a friend, in this github repo its a react native mobile app as part of a fullstack first responder network system for helping people in developing countries access emergency services this is my first time using react native and the app is still a work in progress. i will post another scrapbook post when it is done.