I bought a new Raspberry Pi 5 because my old one was not fast enough for the future docker containers. So I printed a casing and switched the pis. It didn't work as planned, since I forgot to give the new pi a fixed ip adress. Had to figure solutions out. Also installed Rpi Monitor.Didn't know I had to post this into scrapbook too, please be nice.
I tried different functions out. My main goal was/is to make my portainer, pihole, heimdall and other container websites easier accessible. instead of typing "" I want to have a domain and subdomain like "pihole.homeserver.local", so that I don't need ports anymore. But this didn't work, even now I don't know exactly how to.Didn't know I had to post this into scrapbook too, please be nice.
Thought it would help me with my plan to shorten the urls as already mentioned before: "My main goal was/is to make my portainer, pihole, heimdall and other container websites easier accessible. instead of typing "" I want to have a domain and subdomain like "pihole.homeserver.local", so that I don't need ports anymore." But it didn't really work as planned.Didn't know I had to post this into scrapbook too, please be nice.
As said, I almost had to reset my router because I made a mistake and just turned the dhcp off. Then I couldn't connect until I changed my PCs adapter settings and changed the router settings. Then I wasn't able to connect to pihole, because of said adapter settings and missing /admin in url.Didn't know I had to post this into scrapbook too, please be nice.
unfortunately I forgot to make a screenshot of it running. please note the readme file in this folderDidn't know I had to post this into scrapbook too, please be nice.