I made a cool person/object detector with bin!made a simple graphing system for blot called blotmos! github.com/vracton/blotmos (2nd repost to add all sessions)
Made a simple email filter for my GMail that assigns tags based on who sent the email. (had to censor some stuff for privacy) github.com/vracton/gmail-scripts
Made a cool pcb that automatically stirs your food on a set timer and alerts you with an alarm when its done.
Finished my MVP for my Cider app which allows you to download wallpapers from the daily ones on Bing.Built a mockup for a person detector that lights up an led based on how far an object is with a potentiometer that can be used to change the distance for detection. wokwi.com/projects/401194584784503809
Made a game similar to monkeytype but with ASL for Windy City Hacks and ended up winning! It was really fun! Check it out here -> vracton.github.io/asltype/lesson.html
#the-trail AutoStirrer! We made a device that can automatically prepare our food by stirring our food and setting our food. Currently we have the following;
1. Timer and spinner loop that follows the instructions from Backpacker's Pantry
2. Motor to physically stir food
3. Speaker to notify the user when their food is ready.
For our production version, we'll be making the pcb button larger as well as manufacturing a 3d printed spoon adaptor for the motor.Recently got my sprig and decided to finally build it and upload my game Block Stacker to it today!