

I just finished the level editor for my new tile based game! (yes I will finish my other stuff). So basically, you're a pirate going out to sea and you have to fight skeletons and upgrade the ship. I really needed an editor because manually writing all that out would have been pain. @JaydenWeng suggested I work on this. Anyway, you can try the editor here in the build directory (macos + windows): github.com/NikolasDaynard/tilemapped
@JaydenWeng and i spent around 5 hours working on installing octoprint on his sovol sv06+ and giving it a camera too the project consisted of getting the pi flashing the firmware waiting for it too boot and connect to wifi attempting to find it on the network (took forever bc turns out first time we didnt add the name and password to its data and second time it just kept taking forever to startup and connect to wifi) finding a working data cable for the printer (tried like 6) covering the cables 5v power pin setting up octoprint fully troubleshooting connection issues printing some tests addinf some plugins and ensuring the ui was how we liked it and finally plugging in a camera too!! note: this was all done on a pi zero w which technically isnt supported on octoprint!! heres some pictures: