Yeeeiii add this to my scrapbook...let the other delivery arrive soon
It's so damn few weeks back 😔 had alot to do but couldn't get any available computer to do stuff...just staring at this little graphics I got from @lachlanjc twitter TL or maybe it's even Hack club TL 🤔 (not sure of it)...hope to get computer to work with soon. Those with one are really lucky haha...have a cool weekend 😍
Quick peep of server clusters at CERN Geneva Switzerland...haha I really look to do some crazy-ish stuff there someday 🤓
Ahhh it's been a lonnggggggggggggggggggggggg time on #scrapbook haha...but i started by journey on this anyway :shooting_pepe_cowboy:
All good!
Summer of making project components on the alpha move 💪SOM team is great :summer-of-making::clapping: 🇳🇬
Making sense of this in all possible way is what I was upon today
Understood a little of the OSI layer with this! 😎
This is just operation oppositional kind of stuff. Trying to get the logic behind that haha
This setup is minimalism, I'll make sure to get it the next time