@matt0Did some photo editing to make this photo of the SR-71 blackbird b&w with deep blacks :)
@sampoder0this me my github graph! in late jan, I joined hack club and in April started work on
@matt0Got the core logic of my Nuke desktop app working! Just need to design a logo, add sparkle for auto-updates, and refactor the very basic UI to SwiftUI@Chris0day two on React wow, it cool to do
@jasonaa0this isn't very important but this is my biggest achievement on this slack
@matthewvandyke080Just finished updating all the courses today, and hopefully releasing those changes coming up.
Also just realized today is my 100th day streak! 🎉
@sampoder0Here's my friend Prachet delivering the goodie bags!
@adigeak290learning cad using freecad. I know fusion 360 is great but freecad is the closest in opensource.
@sampoder0Yesterday, at school we hosted the first virtual assembly! Me, @neervikasv@23neil.g and Arsh did some crunch time video editing to produce the entire assembly video (30 min ish) in just under 4 hours!
here's my little speech on student council, super rough coz the entire video rushed:@mukul-a016 warnings but it compiles 😂
@lachlanjc0(This photo is the Bloomington HQ’s main room at the beginning of the day.) In between desk assembly & assorted fun times yesterday:
• Worked on Bank v2 product planning with the singular @msw. Came to some great new ideas for cards on Bank I’m really excited to build; essentially, virtual + physical cards for every team member, clearer transaction ownership, simpler ordering & management. Excited to work on some UI prototyping for that today
• Had a wonderful chat with @scott, who’s been working on the Bank backend recently
• Took a walk with @zrl to discuss my work recently & the DNC/RNC & news
• Checked in with @amogh on iPad project
• Shipped a set of small design improvements to Bank
• Embarked on a tale of two packages I hope you’ll discover next week(?) in #scrapbook
Then I made some salmon teriyaki with corn & green beans for dinner with @matthew that was surprisingly good!!
@isacisboss7180I didn't make this video, but I'll post it@phultquist0🐸We are almost done with our SOM project, the smart album cover display. Here's a demonstration of the spotify feature, which displays the playing song on the screen almost instantly, complete with transitions 😏, and autobrightness 🤯. Here's a video!@adrianlobo0Gonna take a C++ & MATLAB course this fall. Wish me luck!!!
@anthonykung0Learned about lolcat from #code today and have been abusing it like heck
@lskaling0I just found out about this feature and thought I’d start a streak! I’ve been working on 3D printing clear face masks for special ed teachers in my district. I print them at my communities makerspace but found it tedious to wait around to print, so installing Octoprint on a Raspberry Pi for remote monitoring. Right now working through installing the image on an SD card.