first day of uni. unfortunately online for me for the next 10-14 days cause of study permit delays but hey, soon enough will be on campus :’) (yes I’m aware of the mess on desk)
Anyone else who got into HackMIT 2021? Let’s link 🙂
Preaching the word on twitter ahaha
We’re doing Weekly logs now to keep the users in the loop apart from the Product Updates that we’ve already been doing at ConnectDome.
Find developers to work with and projects to work on
I just launched ConnectDome in a private beta!
I'm glad to announce the launch of <|ConnectDome>!
We have officially launched our alpha and the best part for all developers out there, our alpha version is free to use!
You can try it right now at -
From 1:1 developer matches and tailored project recommendations to direct connections with developers and creators of projects,
ConnectDome does everything to help you build the projects you always wanted to and actually make a difference using a superpower, code 😛
We can schedule a talk about this too at -
we made some major changes in Fusion and now, this is what it’s all like :
moved the whole DomeCode platform to DigitalOcean today
I still haven’t been able to finish my market research since no one really partook in it but to make it more convenient,
I made a Typeform instead. Would honestly appreciate if you could help me with this.
Python Discord’s AOC Leaderboard, at 23rd rn lol
any developers based in a high-income nation who are down for a quick talk?
preferably young but not a big deal ( young as in 15-24 ). everyone’s welcome to drop in the DM if you’re down for it.
The new version of music player to keep you concentrated while coding has released on
Provides more flexibility and an overall better design! 🎵
Oh and btw the whole DomeCode project is open-source lol
Fusion is a real-time disposable editor using which you can start learning front-end technology including HTML, CSS, JS with any YouTube tutorial of your choice in a single tab instead of a code
editor and two browser windows like a memory hog.
Project is open-sourced at a new feature to yesterday.
this is kinda overwhelming, this is just the alpha version of which I didn’t even advertise much or anything! xD
Made a platform for people to learn code, practice their skills, have interesting discussions with other users, even listen to music on the platform without having the need to leave the platform.
clean desktop
Yes, I published my package to PyPi. Feel free to check it out! Install with pip3 install django-judge
Been working on this lately. Using django. This is one of the smaller modules for a project I've started building recently.