video of my friend earlier. we skipped class to serenade people in the bathroom whilst they did their businessmost scrapbook worthy thing I'll probably ever do
(with a rei plush picture so scrappy won't delete this)
I think this was technically educational, so he can get away with stealing my bananaOrpheus leap
Mojang got nothing on me
I got my summer of making stickers in the mail with the fancy wax and stuff, but no picture because my camera doesn't want to work. Here's pycharm because I got it today
English teacher really making me read this on the weekend :*(
I made bread, but it's probably gonna taste bad because I didn't use a recipe
I have homework and need to maintain streaks, here's something that happened today
Me being bad at chess puzzles because I have homework and need streaks
I was trying to see if I could change my vscode background to a picture of
and I think I messed up because there's an anime girl in the corner of the screen and I can't take it off
the state of hack club at the moment
I already posted today, but I did a thing
I needed game music, so I messed around and stuff. I only liked the first ~3 seconds, so I scrapped everything after that, and I'm just stuck with this nowbig sad
I'm a cool kid too
another fractal made in paint because streaks
I made ms paint fractals because I saw a video of someone doing it
quick chess game for streaks because I have a paper due in 40 minutes
Played among us with fellow haccers and was impostor for the first time ever even though I got the game like 2 weeks ago
player animations
more unity stuff
unity stuff, idk
making sheet music stuff because I have no homework on a 4 day weekend
A teacher asked me if I could make something today so I'm making something now
I was on a call with 2 other people for a few hours because a person in our group got covid, and we had to remake the whole project to work without her. Here's me losing bad at chess
Orchestra concert day, everyone looked depressed (person on the right is me)
our figma thing is becoming very crowded because we're doing everything on the same page
I did a mess up and typed git init in my desktop folder
I did stuff on the minecraft skin generator. Here's the epitome of good graphic design
I'm making a low poly vacuum and nobody can stop me
I was looking through folders and found the minecraft skin generator that I forgot about, now I have to finish it
I couldn't find a picture of gibby and a pumpkin for a spooktober pfp, so here's a poorly drawn gibby pumpkin
Carved like 50% of a pumpkin, but I don't feel like taking a picture. Here's half a pumpkin
Help, I need something to carve on a pumpkin. This is a stock photo, but pretend it's the pumpkin
We painted eggs in German, I kinda had to
I think I forgot to post yesterday, I'm gonna check to see if I did with a kid on a scooter
Teacher said she would give me extra credit to make an app. Also, I forgot to post today. Please have mercy scrappy, I made you fan art
Watching the presidential debate
I guess my scrapbook is just chess pictures now
I've procrastinated on homework, here's someone caught using a chess engine
I've somehow been at 100% the whole day and I'm expecting my screen to randomly shut off
I did nothing productive and listened to this 8 times
Almost lost my streak because slack wasn't letting me send messages. Here's another chess screenshot
I am once again posting another chess screenshot because I have nothing else to post
I accidentally found out that you can get results from websites through the google search bar
it's after 12, scrappy, please pity me
spent too long trying to make a vacuum in figma
cake evening, much better than hack night
me being a haccer man with 2.6 seconds left
watched ken say "fayd fortnite skin"
watching josh tryna teach eric stuff in hack night with an very high levels of patience
I almost fell asleep, but then I remembered I have to keep my streak. Here's an inspirational quote because I have nothing better to post
I went to a scholarship meeting today, but I don't think pictures were allowed. Here's a screenshot of an email that makes me hope I still have anti🅱️odies
I walked into the house and there was a crayfish with 1 arm in a Tupperware container in the kitchen (he has a carrot)
I helped fayd with his workshop for the workshop bounty
I did math and I can finish nearly all paths on frontend masters within 6 months if I plan correctly
made a frontend masters account with github student developer pack because I'm kinda really bad
In hack night but neel is on there so this is required
Got the github student developer pack
My friend wanted me to make a snapchat bot for something, but they don't have an api, so I'm trying to make a private api. Here's the snapchat logo because I didn't do much
I saw someone get run over by a car today, but other than that, pretty normal day. I drew a diagram of how bad the traffic is at my school
Pulling one of these again because I did nothing interesting today
I tried putting the noise that the pig's brain makes in This on "paper", but I didn't finish because it's too speedy for me to hear
I don't have anything to post again, so here's a picture someone sent me
nobody yelled at me yesterday
I blame Unity, not my c# skills for the 999+ errors
The entire Unity game engine is unvited from my birthday party for giving me compiler errors
Unity tutorials because I was challenged to make a child abduction game
Alright guys, maybe not. The entire scene just disappeared
Tryna learn how to use unity
I didn't make this video, but I'll post itAR/VR workshop
joined this and I'm probably not going to do homework over the weekend because of it
I've copied sam in the pursuit of piracy and made my own fake school id barcode thing
I copied ken and made an inspirational quote
I did a naughty
Idk what to post for scrapbook again, so...
I laughed at this on a college's website because childish
Back by popular request, leaked emails from teachers (these were sent to every student)
I don't know what to post, so throwback to the time the head of the tech department sent me an email with the subject "DANK" and the body said "MEME"
i was able to log into slack from a school laptop, even though it's blocked. the only bad thing is i cant screenshot or capitalize letters, so here's walter
I forgot about my minecraft skin generator for a bit, so I decided to work on it for a little. I got the image upload thing to work, but then I broke it
A picture of sugarcane taken from my shitty webcam because streaks
Went back to school today and convinced my German teacher to use
I made bread during my last day of freedom before school starts, and it came out looking like a rock. I don't have a picture of it because I ate it, so pretend this is my bread
I didn't do anything productive today, so here's a game of chess that I lost
I tried teaching my sister how to play chess and failed horribly
Spent like 8 hours on a zoom call with @adrianlobo and @sswikerdiddell for CTF. We didn't win, but we were top 3 and beat ken
watched ken count to a million in the #kencountstoamillion watch party
I played a little in the hack club chess tournament, and then was being a poopie head, so I left
Singing Bohemian Rhapsody with @adrianlobo and nobody else because they're all meanies
I was making an arrangement of the song used in all the deepfake memes because I made a bunch, and it got stuck in my head, but I got frustrated and deleted everything. Here's the product, I guess
Became a fire bender in hack night
I've copied Caleb and decided to start learning how to use Figma
I made some changes to my Minecraft skin generator, but here's a video my sister found on my cousin's tablet because it's more entertainingsome progress on minecraft skin generator
10 minute website made by everybody that joined the osf live event
I've been making deepfakes out of random pictures I have of my friends so I can scare them at 3 amMy dad's making me go to sleep early, so here's a picture of the croissant from yeterday
I made croissants at midnight because nobody told me I couldn't
Don't watch if you value your vision (this doesn't apply to bread duck)Tech CEO's testifying before congress in hoop noot
First line of code I wrote in like 3 days
I forgot until scrapbook until right now and I have 1 minute to post something or i'll lose my streak so here's out of context ken
fuck it, dropping out of school to become an onion farmer
I found this sexy beast graffitied under an overpass
I made a ken skin in MS Paint
messed around with motors and arduino stuff
I also stabbed steggy with a pitchfork, but I didn't save it
I drew the shape of my back and neck when I sit down because I need to keep my streak
My mom said I couldn't code because I had to read this, so enjoy the cover of the manual
It may not look that good, and I might have accidentally inhaled an unsafe amount of solder fumes, but it works.
Hardware came
I don't know what to post, so here's a picture of my hairline when I was like in 4th grade
I got corona🅱️irus, but have no picture, so here's me and ced committing business
Got hackclub stickers, but didn't get a screenshot, so here's the top of the form
Went to see goats
My back got sunburned and my skin look like I put glue on it and let it dry. Here's a picture of glue on a hand as a reference
I took shit brick's mensa test
I found out I'm not adopted
I was teaching my aunt how to play Minecraft, but I have no pictures, so here's a grass block
I got some wood so I can make a frame when my hardware gets here. My charger is broken, and my webcam is shit, so here's a tree.
I got C to work in vscode, so I can at least get a little familiar with the language before my arduino comes
I threw myself into a river today because my cousin told me to, but I have no picture, so pretend this is me
My sister got 100 of these and she's gonna turn them into a centipede
I confused myself, so I started writing down simplified stuff on paper, and I feel like some of you would be entertained by my shit handwriting
My cousin got Snapchat and sent me this picture. She's like 5 or 6, and I don't know how she found out about uh oh stinky
Simple drawing thing so I have it out of the way before vera sends me hardware
I also completed my materials list for summer of making
I went to a lake today, but I didn't take pictures, so here's a picture of that lake from google
worked on game
Lost every wiki race
I was able to send myself the video for this. Most of the video is in darkness because the it's in the middle of a soybean fieldI tried to record a video for it, but it was too big of a file to send. I couldn't think of a good name, so I just went with Dr. Doofenshmirtz's naming style and called it the "asthma-attack-inator". Its purpose is to give the user an asthma attack and let them see in the dark at the same time. Its made from a lemonade carton, straws, and a no longer functional essential oil diffuser.
I made a half-ass logo for my game. It doesn't look too good, but it's going to be small, and you won't be able to see the imperfections