@ShaneCelis-U04F7QE6H410I hack hacked my sprig.@aaryan0This is my new Netflix!
I've been moving towards reading articles and watching talks in my free time rather than watching TV shows.
It's probably WebRTC and networking stuff that I'm slowly falling in love with
Also I found great articles and resources on a lot of networking stuff that goes on underneath all the APIs WebRTC uses, so I'm thinking of making a proper list out of it and pushing it to GitHub
@davidzhaiyang0to be good at any particular topic, one must first painfully go through the process of learning and failing at a topic before you can be good at a topic. this creates an ivory tower for those who are at the top because they can no longer relate to those below them. Those on an ivory pedestal look at these people as "greendians"
@isacisboss7180I found this sexy beast graffitied under an overpass