I made an rpi based weatherstation that gets data from bmp 280 and dht 22 sensors and logs it onto thingspeak. This may be used to make a live weather forecasting model as well. I might also consdier connecting the rpi and make it log data on a dataserver like mongo db or smthng
@Chris0I had my first club meeting today, while the day was disappointing, this picture made me laugh
@ky2006170Context: I'm running for class president@linus0So far this is the best pull request of my life
@michael0I take some time to away from coding stuff. I often open twitter and find a lot of debate about politic in US (I search them or someone share it to me). I remember a girl who scream and cry when Trump won the election (2016 president election) and I realize Trump has a ton of hatters and it inspire me to make this...
@philipstudentemail0Have to protect my Oreo Cheesecake from my super picky younger siblings(who are not very picky with deserts). So I printed a random stock image of vegetable stew packaging and neatly taped it over the box. So far today, they have not bothered it at all. (Sorry that the cake picture is blurry my sister was coming)
@isacisboss7180Tech CEO's testifying before congress in hoop noot
@anthonykung0Learned about lolcat from #code today and have been abusing it like heck