

0-day streak
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stillOS Software Center (part 3) Finally here is the repo saDB uses with all it's apps, and in it is several utilities made for approving apsp: Every app in this repo was tested for how well it works on stillOS's modified version of GNOME with an immutable file system, and rated with a stillRating
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stillOS Software Center Components (Part 2) I can only bank 25 hours and this project took more than 50, and it's a big project with multiple components so I guess I'll scrap those too... SAM: This is how stillOS Software Center installs/removes applications and is built as a full replacement for PackageKit in stillOS without needing to support 100 other distros SaDB: This creates a SQL database with curated apps from several package managers (although rn only Flatpak is supported). This makes stillCenter very fast compared to AppStream based software centers and allows us to curate apps that work well on stillOS
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stillOS Software Center is finished!
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2 week project to try to make Manjaro for nixOS (idea from @zrl)
Camera operating for SeaGL (Seattle GNU Linux Conference)
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Updated the attend page for SeaGL (Linux conference) (updated page not yet live) #100-days #100-picasso
Finished my personal statement for college! #100-days #100-picasso
I didn’t do anything today. Need to knock out 2 birds with one stone
I finally got building with stillBuild fully functional. This is a Rust tool that wraps around rpm-ostree compose to make it simpler and more reliable for building rpm-ostree repos. This is how stillOS will work. #project-still #100-days #100-picasso
My house needs me to post! Not doing #100-days stuff but I have a marketing exam tmrw.
Trying to figure out logarithmics the day before the test (I’ve been spacing out in class). Wish me luck.
Struggling to finalize the build system for stillOS... I should have picked Python instead of Rust 😢 #100-days #project-still #100-picasso
Tfw you are on a trip but you need to scrap something for #100-days 🎨
I finished the page Edit: Forgot to add #100-days #project-still
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It took me a week to make a window with a dropdown (and some custom gtk widgets that are so far unused) To be fair, I am using a language I have never used in my life (Vala). #100-days #project-still.
Learning Vala
todo list for stillOS's first alpha (I had nothing to post today lol)
Steam Deck laptop at Starbucks. Using GNOME Text Editor cause CLion is downloading here at kb/s
Sometimes you got to make do with what you got. My only decent PC died after 7 years today, so until I can afford a new one, this is my new setup (Steam Deck as a desktop). Unfortunately I’ll have to live without a dual monitor setup (unless the deck itself counts but that’s only usable for Spotify & YouTube, not code docs cause the screen is so small) And there’s no head phone jack on the dock I have, so for YouTube videos I’ll be enjoying the crisp Steam Deck speakers. However for Spotify, I connected an old Android phone to my speakers that I can remote control from the desktop app. Ended up installing Fedora Silverblue over Steam OS so I can still develop still (#project-still). So far first day experience, browsing is smooth, Jetbrains IDEs run somewhat smooth, ironically the only thing the desktop Steam Deck sucks for is gaming because it’s only made to handle 720p, not 1080p. Other than that, I can make this work until I can get a new PC. Hoping to go for a framework.
trying to push out the last update of risiOS (38.1), but I'm running into a weird issue with Fedora's python rpms. :tw_thinking_face:
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trying to figure out how to allow deploying ostree repos through scp, sftp, git, and local directories without leaking anything and allowing it in a config file. Idea so far but this won't work
Working on the build system for stillOS. This can build OSTree images as well as branding packages
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Stumbling my way around Rust Enums for my SIPM package tool, with help from @dav
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Trying to plan out infrastructure for my next Linux distro that I’m gonna try to turn into a startup. (edit, probably should have mentioned it's an immutable distro and services to make your own immutable distro. more updates #project-still)
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Just pushed what is hopefully the last update to risiOS's welcome screen before we merge with Nobara. All this update added was error handling if apps fail to install (something that was implemented but didn't work due to an upstream bug with VTE terminals). As it work around it now creates files in /temp and if they aren't deleted than it's handled as an error (meaning it didn't get to the part of the script where they should be deleted). It's using the Fedora logo instead of my distro's because I am running it on DistroBox for testing.
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editing for tuxdigital
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Working on a video for TechHut today.
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Gonna start trying to post here daily. I didn’t code today but I moved rooms recently and started this piece of wall area to decorate. Rn it’s just bands gonna add other stuff once a week because I get 3 pages of color printing a day from the library.