@V2050I am playing around with the sprig editor's HTML. This is too bright. minor part of my 100 days gord
@OrbitalDev0Went shopping for books at Barnes and Noble! I found some great ones.
I'll be camping again this weekend, but things should be back to normal next week!
Also Duolingo hates me :/
@dominic0finally making some more progress on this!@ShawnMalluwa-U04BBP8H9FA0today's scrapbook post is a little bit abstract as i don't have anything to "visibly" show (i cant just leak movie scripts lmao) but Ive come to a sort of impasse in the writing process. Our plot involves multiple conflicts, from existential to personal, and explores the consequences of idolization, climate change, and the worship of technology. these three themes clash with one another of course, since a film only has so much screen-time, but then begs the question of what is most important to speak about. When I wrote the initial plot for this movie, climate change stood at the forefront of my mind, with idolization 2nd and tech worship 3rd. That was almost two years ago. the existential horror of climate change still scares me, but no longer plagues my everyday thought in the way the other topics too. as a result, I have provided band-aid solutions to the storyline as my view on life has changed. This has created the problem where I find myself solving problems that I did not realize existed with the plot, only for new problems to rear their head. it's sort of a wack-a-mole game with plotholes. NOT FUN. I have gotten to the point where we had to ask ourselves, what even is this movie? what are we trying to say, and what do we think will come of the world? after endless deliberation, that question remains unanswered, , , which i guess i shouldnt be suprised by lmao. its an issue to solve- but after some thinking. I would rather tell a story that has a cohesive opinion than one strapped together over the years.
@polypixeldev0Using the Slack API (getting ratelimited 👀) and learning python to get started with #map-of-the-slack!
@AnahitaaMalhotra-U04K99Y0CKX0Yayyy…I’m actually afraid of what will happen if I lose this streak tho. Don’t know how Duo will react 😱
@CameronKnauff0Trying to figure out logarithmics the day before the test (I’ve been spacing out in class). Wish me luck.
@matt0I’ve officially been programming for over 3 years :)
It’s been amazing so far and I want to see what happens next. I joined hackclub when I’d only been programming for about 9 months. time flies when you’re having fun!