

0-day streak
Day 6 of #10-days-in-public Finally, some progress. I still have some bugs to fix (I don't like the way the enemies are spawned), and I need to add a UI. See you tomorrow!
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Day 5 in #10-days-in-public I continued with Godot to complete their tutorial (I didn't know there is so much math [linear algebra] in game dev, but I like it)
Day 4 of #10-days-in-public: Today, I spent a couple of hours learning about chips and how to implement some of them in HDL (I attached my implementation of MUX). I also learned how an ALU works. I took a pause from learning Godot. Tomorrow, I'm going to finish Pong and add some more features.
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Day 3 of #10-days-in-public: Today, I realized I've acquired sufficient knowledge to recreate Pong on my own, so here I am! Tomorrow I plan to finish and polish it. Shoutout to the book "Code The Classics" released by the Raspberry Pi Press Store. P.S. Godot makes game dev so easy! I started out with Pygame and made some small games in it—Godot simplifies everything. Definitely going to build something substantial in it!
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Day 2 of #10-days-in-public Hi everyone! Today, I learned how to get input from the keyboard and mouse in Godot (how to make an input map, and also how can I open the documentation if I press cmd+click on a function 😅), how to make nodes communicate with each other (I practiced with shared functions, unique names, and more complex paths), and I learned more about different types of nodes such as Area2D, StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, CharacterBody2D. I also delved a little bit into collision theory and how physics work in the engine. Tomorrow I'm planning to explore more the physics built in Godot, and to practice what I've learned today into more complex scenes. See you tomorrow!
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Day 1 of #10-days-in-public: Today, I started exploring Godot. I learned about nodes and scenes (and how to import scenes into scenes), the basics of GDScript (since I already know Python and C++, this was the easiest part), and about delta time. Today, I mostly messed around with the interface to accommodate myself with the engine (it is my first one!). I read the docs and I follow Clear Code amazing tutorial ( P.S. Also started the Nand2Tetris course. Computer architecture really starts to intrigue me (I attached some of my notes 😅) See you tomorrow!