

0-day streak
Finished Hackclub arcade with mostly finished flutter app for our schools system. Skola Offline will be worked on during the school year which starts basically tommorow. Thanks to @MichaelAmbros and @matym1 for diving into this adventure with me. Repo: github.com/SkolaOffline/skolaoffline
Skola Offline With my classmates we have decided that enough is enough and we made our own Flutter frontend with some extra functions such as week view for the timetable. We are currently also working on making this app offline first but thats not ready yet. They have recently released a big update which has made some mess for us but real men test in production 😉. If you want to try it online here is our page skolaoffline.github.io where you can login as dummy:mode and this will redirect the requests to static data which is saved in the app. Here is the github if anyone is interested github.com/SkolaOffline/skolaoffline and here are also some screenshots:
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
CLI for our school app. Unfortunately you need credentials which are only provided by schools using this system in Czech Republic. Sorry. Commits are doubled because I accidentally leaked my responses and had to get rid of them. Thanks to @MichaelAmbros for coauthoring. Let us know about any upgrades. Hopefully we find someone who actually tries to use this outside of our friends. github.com/SkolaOffline/SkolaOfflineCLI