

0-day streak
Hackclub time capsule map
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This is my hackathon organization website. I hope you gets enjoy it!
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Here is a screenshot of the home screen of my mental health app, I spent a lot of time working on it hopefully you think it looks good!
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I have created a simple login and register UI
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This SHOULD be final version of fremont app before a meeting to discuss it's publication. Nothing much to show because its mostly bugs and analytics, but here is a photo of the app showing the day when we have a rally and how it adapted to it:
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Hello Everyone! I have great news to share! The app has sparked interest at my high school. Using my cider grant I was able to publish it on testflight to have other students find bugs in it and they have sadly (also good because I don't want bugs in production). I have solved all the bugs and I am yet to talk to my district about implementing this wish me luck!
Hey guys I’m finalized my version of my app and added error checking because last years school data got removed and this years hasn’t been uploaded yet.
Hello everyone! I am in the process of building a mental health AI chatbot. Here is a glimpse!
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Hello Everyone, Here is an example of my mobile app for my high school! It includes a schedule with countdown, notification system, id card and their progress and semester grades. Here is a video below! Hopefully I can get this app approved my my district so everyone can enjoy it!
Hello Everyone! I completed a rough part of the login/register and schedule screen for my mobile app! For the login I demonstrated in the video logging in with google and then after connecting with a 3rd party called "Infinite Campus" to pull the schedule data from! I also shown a glimpse of the ID Card. I cropped the video so I don't show myself typing in my password. Thanks for reading! Here is the video below!
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Hello Everyone! I am in the process of building a mobile app and website for my high school. I completed the website portion which is meant as a admin panel for the student body and club officers to create posts which should trigger a notification on the app once completed. The user logins in through google or in the video I used the superuser login. There is a list of "Organizations" which could be the student body, a class (e.g class of 2025), or simply a club. Each club can contain admins and advisors which have permission to create posts for their organization. In addition, when a global organization is created (e.g student body/student council) it automatically will add everyone to that organization. Same goes for classes. A class organization with a grad year attached adds all users with that grad year. Finally, users can choose in the app (once done) the clubs they want which adds them to the club and they get notified of any posts made. Here is a short video showing this! Hope you enjoy! Admin panel is on Thanks for reading!
I finished my boba drops website! Here a glimpse.
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