

3-day streak
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
thinking emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
thinking emoji
#hack-hour #15-days-in-public Day 6(Day 3 for me) Learned how to make api's through videos like this: Worked on fine-tuning hyperparameters, playing with model complexity, researching other models of the same dataset, reduced learning rate, and highered epochs. The new and improved model is training atm(my computer restarted because idk even why so that was sad). Changed the website so I can have different models to test 😄
spring-of-making emoji
goose-honk-technologist emoji
sadge emoji
#hack-hour flask website for my new tray api, worked on modeling, and currently fine tuning my model, I have yet to make more models(speicifc foods and nutrition). I did add responsiveness in the website, but like its not in this video because I can't bother to take another screen recording right now. It's pretty cool 😄
spring-of-making emoji
cooll-dino emoji
goose-honk-technologist emoji
#hack-hour #15-days-in-public Day 3(Day 2 for me), working on a flask app for an api im working on for thorough food image classification and nutrition modeling. Lost a bunch of hours from hack-hour but my new model is training rn and seems to be doing well. Had an older version of the model at 70% accuracy
#15-days-in-public Day 2(Day 1 for me) using food 11 for food image classification w a CNN, I have to fine tune parameters and play a little bit around with what im doing, potentially adding more layers. This ss is an older one but I did get 70% accuracy on the model with no signs of any issues with the model. Am trying to work with efficient net now.
#hack-hour making things chaotic, css animations!!!
spring-of-making emoji
goose-honk-technologist emoji
#hack-hour making a very simple personal website, playing around with aesthetic and stuff