

0-day streak
Still working on HorsRancher, the booking.com of horse-riding lessons... I've finished allowing the user to manage and cancel their own reservations, and it's working great! Every aspect can be changed, from the level to the date and time! Since my last post on the #scrapbook, I've also changed the menu to something more relevant, and updated the JS for the reservation page (which in part allows existing reservations to be changed via the same simple interface. It's looking better and better. Up next: Add profiles and the ability for users to change passwords, and let multiple users manage one center! HorsRancher lives on GitHub: github.com/jkjmjkjm/horsrancher/tree/dev and is live on PythonAnywhere: jkjmjkjm.pythonanywhere.com
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(I think this is going to be my first 2-day streak! Scrappy is going to be happy...) Still on HorsRancher (the booking.com for horse-riding lessons): I have been working on accounts! You can now sign up for and log into them. Although the accounts aren't polished quite yet (I still need to be able to change the password, for instance!), I wanted there to be some sort of account system, because now centers can be linked to them! If you don't have a center, you can now also create a new one easily when you navigate to any of the /manage pages, and show it off to the world! When clients log in, their email addresses are remembered in reservations, but that's about as far as I've gotten... Up next: Edit reservations as a client! We'll see how it goes! HorsRancher lives on GitHub at github.com/jkjmjkjm/horsrancher, and is live on jkjmjkjm.pythonanywhere.com. Apparently, Slack doesn't let you upload images while editing a message, so they're on the thread. hackclub.slack.com/archives/C01504DCLVD/p1720027483852649?thread_ts=1720027196.254159&cid=C01504DCLVD
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Back to posting about HorsRancher: After finishing with the reservation view/manage screen I talked about (last #scrapbook post), I moved on to the general details that you (the client) would see on their screen before proceeding with a reservation. This includes logo and banner images, social networking, phone and email contact, as well as options regarding their timetable (this part is still extremely primitive, and has a bunch of TODOs in code, but I'll get there!) I've finished it, so figured I would show off some screenshots of my progress. Here it is: Again, HorsRancher lives on GitHub at github.com/jkjmjkjm/horsrancher P.S. ~It's not really hosted anywhere, so if you want to check it out, you'll have to clone the repo and install requirements.txt, then use flask run to access it on localhost~. Planning to have this deployed by the time I'm finished with it. Update: It is now live-ish (you can use it) at jkjmjkjm.pythonanywhere.com/center/2 for the client flow, and at jkjmjkjm.pythonanywhere.com/manage for the center-facing side. You can also see the main page at jkjmjkjm.pythonanywhere.com
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Still working on HorsRancher for #arcade, the booking.com for horse lessons! I added a very simple home page for the center-facing side of things (seeing reservations, editing their details, etc.) I added this page so they can see all their reservations, specifically by date. It defaults to showing the ones from the current day (today), but it has a very basic HTML-looking dropdown that allows for full customisation of what they see. I'm expecting there to be a lot per center (if it's ever used tho), so I don't want my database to explode while trying to send all of the reservations over the internet! It also got simple search filters for each column. I also added <https://github.com/jackocnr/intl-tel-input|this handy javascript >to my client-facing personal details for a reservation page. It's great at formatting phone numbers and works maybe not perfectly with bootstrap, but it works anyway. Anyway, it's been a long time since my last #scrapbook post, but I hope to keep the streak going from now! HorsRancher lives on GitHub: github.com/jkjmjkjm/horsrancher
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Between most of yesterday and today, I revived an old project of mine from back when I took Harvard's CS50 (that course is legendary btw). I had a great idea about making a booking.com for horse-riding lessons. Around my area in Mmadrid, there are several places I used to go to for this and their systems were crapppy to say the least. Anyway, I turned this project in as a half-baked thing, where only the reservation UI really worked well, and kept the code in my Google Drive (had no idea what git even was lol) I am now working on it more, I uploaded the files to GitHub (jkjmjkjm/horsrancher) and want to finish it up and turn it into a functioning platform. If I have time, I'll even try my hand at Swift and make an iOS companion for it! Here are some screenshots in the meantime. Proud of the work so far!
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Finished my first website for me (my first scrapbook post, so no idea if you even post like this). Looking a bit empty at the moment, but hopefully not by the end of the summer!