alphabet-white-n emoji

Posts tagged with :alphabet-white-n:

woo scrapbook time alr! Working on a few projects • Remaking my trashy portfolio, with less everything (I swear to fucking god why can't scroll snap work) • messing around with circuits. Ordered a bunch of this little chips (image attached), and combined with XOR I'm hoping to make a simple adder. (Not as impressive when there are people on this slack designing whole CPUs) • Messing around with Noita-style falling sand sim, and resisting the urge to try that game • The most retarded Linux distro idea Also, Vitalik AMA was awesome! Below I've attached some of the interesting comments from the Vitalik AMA youtube live stream (hmm)
spring-of-making emoji
alphabet-white-n emoji
alphabet-white-x emoji
alphabet-white-r emoji
alphabet-white-o emoji