@maggie0day 6 of #10-days-in-public! messed with rabbitsign's internal apis to send waiver signing requests once people are registered
@ShawnMalluwa-U04BBP8H9FA0started a new painting, but I felt too weak after the sketch. being sick sucks
@kaidevrim0Day 5 of Zachtoberfest® #10-days-in-public!!!!!! My dad had a chocolate tasting and I had some of the worst correlation (probably because of my sweet tooth). Had a lot of fun and tasted a lot of chocolate. Unfortunately did not have the time to do programming as I did a lot of drawing for inktober and a school project as well! Tomorrow I have school and my first “day” or whatever at McDonalds so I will be pretty busy. Here are my inktober drawings so far (Days 1-9).
@e-lee-za0I have drawn nothing today so here’s a picture of the cool pakistan pin and pen I have