Sun, Jul 14, 2024Created a website for a friend of mine! (Mayuazael) website ----> github ----> (written in html/css, converted to pug + tailwinds)Mon, Jun 24, 2024Made a custom Discord RPC with spotify integration! this is the first time i have ever used an API., Jun 19, 2024Created a script in bitburner to scan and hack every computer in a scannable range (does not work if you are not required hacking level i dont think)Wed, Jun 19, 2024finished my python tank game!!!, Jun 18, 2024Finished making my website! Still working out kinks here and there but i'll do that later.., Jun 18, 2024Finished off my 3D Design presentation! I'm now officially ready for my exam tomorrow :3 Come take a look! I appreciate any feedback 🙂
Created a website for a friend of mine! (Mayuazael) website ----> github ----> (written in html/css, converted to pug + tailwinds)
Made a custom Discord RPC with spotify integration! this is the first time i have ever used an API.
Created a script in bitburner to scan and hack every computer in a scannable range (does not work if you are not required hacking level i dont think)
Finished making my website! Still working out kinks here and there but i'll do that later..
Finished off my 3D Design presentation! I'm now officially ready for my exam tomorrow :3 Come take a look! I appreciate any feedback 🙂