

0-day streak
Game Jam game update Made the resource and classes for different item effects setup, so new things can be created and added with just combining resource effects. Started on the framework of levels/scenes, with being able to specify specific spawning points and passing global events/variables Got potion targetting setup and a visual effect for it too Repo - github.com/raienelliston/Pirate-Software-Gamejam-July-2024
Game jam game update Got spawning items upon enemy death working, made it so that you can drag those items, swapping them from 3d objects to 2d objects and vice versa, and putting them in your bag. Plus a lot of changes to previous functions to improve them Repo - github.com/raienelliston/Pirate-Software-Gamejam-July-2024
Started working on a game where you play as an alchemist in a adventurer party, but you have limited storage space in the form of a physical bag that you store both your potions to support the party and fight with and items you find Current Progress - Made the bag UI and setup a lot of test environment stuff. Create the resource system for items and enemies. Repo - github.com/raienelliston/Pirate-Software-Gamejam-July-2024/tree/main
Balatro Bot update - Much more progress with almost all main functions implemented, allowing it now to choose items from packs and have behavior that's based off a synergy csv file. Still not at a fully functional state due to specific jokers and boss blinds, but it's starting to get close Repo - github.com/raienelliston/Balatro-Bot
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Balatro Bot update - Can now factor in jokers and bosses to find the best hand, calculate the hand size, find the current bind goal, and buy stuff from the shop based on multiple factors, including relationships with other jokers, cards in the deck, and the deck type Repo - github.com/raienelliston/Balatro-Bot
Balatro bot, a bot that can play the video game, Balatro, is now able to figure out the best cards to play from any hand it's given (without taking into account jokers and extra stuff). Currently setup in testing rn, so although the bot isn't able to select cards, it can know which are the best Repo - github.com/raienelliston/Balatro-Bot
Working on a bot that can play Balatro and got to a decent starting state with it. Although there isn't any code to play the actual game, the program can recognize the game, parts on it, and start a run with the desired settings, no matter what the current deck/bind is. Repo - github.com/raienelliston/Balatro-Bot
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Got the first game that I'm planning to finish developed to a working testing state, where all mechanics that I want that are unique to it are made. The game is intended to be a puzzle game, where your character (the cube) will change color to the color it touches, gaining that colors properties. The point of the game is to actually be worse for colorblind people and eventually, I want to add difficulties that make other people see the colors how colorblind people see them Repo (Placeholder name) - github.com/raienelliston/Platformer-Game
"Universal" Data Displayer website that can show any data after being given a URL to fetch from and that data fits the format for the display components. Meant to work with a specific future project, but can be setup easily for any project. Repo - github.com/raienelliston/Universal-Data-Displayer-Website
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Minesweeper Solving Algorithm written in Rust. The first program I have written in this language is a structure that changes cells to clicked if they are safe or mine if not. Repo - github.com/raienelliston/MinesweeperSolver
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Made an FRC Match Gambling Website where users can bet on the outcome of matches and get (fake) currency. This is meant with Scouters getting more money to gamble with and from those on FRC teams to start rooting for other teams in matches that their team isn't in. The current state is usable but requires a bit of work, and will be improved in the future. Github repo - github.com/raienelliston/FRC-Match-Gambling
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I got to a semi-usable state of my project, with many features that still need to be added. Despite that, you can still use it to set up basic systems and be able to configure the variables and relations to create a "visualized" system. It'll also auto-update upon variable changes and serve as a flowchart maker with reactive variables. Unfortunately, all the arrows in the picture are hidden, but they're there Repo - github.com/raienelliston/Dynamic-Variable-Diagrams