looks like a forgot a scrap for my portfolio the scrap is about me trying to host projects for my porfolio site github.com/Sidak08/portfolio
adding some sessions which had issues adding this project contains my rsvp sys and ml learning because I am trying to make a model for the rsvp sys to serve recommendations the ml is a separate repo to reduce clutter bestseat.studygithub.com/Sidak08/RsvpSysNextgithub.com/Sidak08/learn_ml
got a good amount of progress done on my portfolio site still no where near done but I have reaches the optimal amount of sessions github.com/Sidak08/portfolio
started work on my portfolio site and finished the figma design for mobile and desktop; and started working on hosting project for it . github.com/Sidak08/portfolio
Continued work on my rsvp system now it can dynamically generate links which can be post somewhere clients to make a rsvp on there own. link bestseat.study repo github.com/Sidak08/RsvpSysNext also started learning ml maybe a adding some of the functionality too. reposting cause I have to add more sessions
Continued work on my rsvp system now it can dynamically generate links which can be post somewhere clients to make a rsvp on there own. link bestseat.study repo github.com/Sidak08/RsvpSysNext also started learning ml maybe a adding some of the functionality too
Made a complete reservation system. You can sign up or create an account. Once you have account you can go to dashboard and have access to gui menu to make a layout of you restaurant after that you can have reservation for individuals tables. These reservation can hold info about the customer and can be changed. Everything is also auto saved with your account. It automatically log you. lastly there is full stripe integration. This is my largest project with 96 FILES and 15489 LINES OF CODE. bestseat.study - this is domain but sometimes it does not work so here is the other domain rsvp-sys-next.vercel.app
finally got the RSVP system an GUI for you to make ur reservations and got it save everything to a mongo db database. github.com/Sidak08/RsvpSysNext
Not close to being done but still archived a major mile stone got the user login and sign up setup perfectly with every edge case covered. The credentials are also stored on a database and not as a local variable ;). -link github.com/Sidak08/RsvpSysNext probs gonna use it as a template for hackathons.
Finished my blot project. It generate a special unique flower for you. There are 80 028 000 different combinations. Here is the link for the Github repo github.com/Sidak08/DrawFlowers. And I have attached a video of it working.