

0-day streak
JUST GOT SPRIG POSTERS!! I wasn't expecting it but that's a really surprise :)
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Just got some hackclub stickers, yay!!!
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Just discovered scrapbook V2 can do posts on the scrapbook page now!!! so i guess this is going to trash, but it was a really fun project and i learned a lot!
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Little ship!! I still think this side-project is going to far, today i decided to launch ArcFox (even with the actual bugs, cause maybe i can get help) ArcFox is a pack of firefox improvements that brings the appearance and some of the features of arc browser to firefox. Developed by a non-mac user and maintained by firefox lovers, arcfox is one of the best ways to experience firefox. The project is still under developement and i don't develop it everyday, but it's already kinda working!
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The end. The hackclub hardware party and 10 days in Public is over. And i failed... This last days the things are going kinda bad, my arduinos got taxed, the vr lens never arrives in my country and damn what a hard task to got a gyroscope running in a arduino uno... Sorry for the people that are waiting for the project The project didn't die. But i need new components, pay the freaking tax, school stuff, startup stuff and more. SimploVR is gonna be a cheap but incredible way to vr. But this will happen more slowly... (Pc random picture cause i have nothing to use)
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❄️ Day 5 of #WinterHardwareWonderland ❄️ Still didn't get my arduino working... Rewrited the introduction page on the documentation and did some research... Bad day but probably gonna be better project's link:
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❄️ Day 4 of #WinterHardwareWonderland ❄️ Im a little late, today we got a big L but A MASSIVE W! My arduinos got taxed... But suddenly my friend got me a Arduino kit, and a freaking psmove! Also my screen just arrived. Gonna start to code soon 👀 project's link:
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❄️ Day 2 of #WinterHardwareWonderland ❄️  ​ Just got my pc back! Gonna update some documentation and code soon... Also the arduino is not here today too 😔 but gonna work on it's code anyway... project's link:
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❄️ Day 2 of #WinterHardwareWonderland ❄️ Nothing for today :( my arduino was supposed to be here today but no 😔 But I'm gonna keep working hard on my own way to vr! project's link:
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❄️ Day 1 of #WinterHardwareWonderland ❄️ Just got the gyroscopes for SimploVR! Which is a cheap but good vr headset. Today i got the gyroscopes and also did some documentation things. I decided to keep the software not open-source cause I'm developing tech that i believe is really new and amazing. I don't want it to be capitalized or something for now... Project's link:
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Still on vacation but started to do some design mindstorm for the controllers
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Just got our winter-hardware project approved 🥳
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today in changing some texts, images, landing pages and all to bring my startup back to live. We gonna go with all we have in 2023, wait for us.
doing some high scope projects to learn a new language 🙂
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Writing a proposal of community updates to @adrianoapj in hackclub brasil. now that i'm part of this community i hope he is patient, cause in gonna do so much things he is gonna be tired.
Installing mac on a virtual machine cause i don't have money for a mac...
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Writing inputify first things on the documentation!
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Started the morning having to some problems that takes so much more time that i would like. but inputify is one step closer to become a reality.
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Finally tested sprig... just amazing.
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submited my project to Winter Hardware Wonderland. while it doesn't start let's work on some sprig games, maybe continue working on inputify and other things...
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Good morning, day 2 of #10-days-in-public yay, gonna work on inputify again. Maybe we get a beta release this week!! project link:
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Building inputify