

0-day streak
I’ve finally completed my IOS app, which lets you scan and store barcodes and QR codes directly on your phone. It’s designed to make it easier to keep all your codes in one place, so you can quickly display them whenever you need. still yet to be published on the app store or testflight though.
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
Today, i finished a github repo summarizer + idea generator. it scans your github repos, summarizes them, then tell you how you can improve each one, and generates more project ideas based on similar skillsets. when is ran, it will generate summaries for each repo in summaries folder. the .env variables required are: APIKEY= github api key ORGANIZATION= github organization key PROJECT= github project key GITHUB_USERNAME= github username. Example result (also generates repo summaries in the summaries folder):
### Suggested Additions and Project Ideas

Based on the summaries of your repositories, here are some possible improvements and additional project ideas. These can leverage the similar skillsets you've employed in your current projects:

### Suggested Additions:

1. **AI Classification with OpenCV (AI-classification-opencv.txt):**
   - **Real-Time Object Detection**: Implement real-time object detection using webcam input.
   - **Performance Metrics**: Add more detailed performance metrics such as FPS, memory usage, etc.
   - **Model Customization**: Allow users to switch between different YOLO models or other architectures like SSD, Faster R-CNN.
   - **User Interface**: Develop a GUI for ease of use, allowing users to load videos, visualize output, and adjust parameters.

2. **Mouse Brightness Control (mousebrightness.txt):**
   - **Multiple Service Support**: Expand support beyond Spotify and Apple Music to other streaming services.
   - **Voice Commands**: Add voice command functionality for controlling the music services.
   - **Cross-Platform Compatibility**: Ensure the scripts run on multiple operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux).
   - **Mobile App Integration**: Create a mobile app to provide these controls from a smartphone.
3. **Screen Mirrorer (Screen-Mirrorer.txt):**
   - **Screen Mirroring**: Extend the functionality to actual screen mirroring rather than just input sharing.
   - **Security**: Implement encryption for socket communication to ensure security.
   - **Performance Optimization**: Optimize for low latency and high performance.
   - **Multiple Clients**: Allow multiple clients to connect and control the server screen.

4. **Sample Interaction (sample1.txt):**
   - **Extended Interactivity**: Add more interactive features such as dragging and resizing the boxes.
   - **Scoring Mechanism**: Add a scoring mechanism to gamify the interactions.
   - **Network Multiplayer**: Allow multiple users to interact with the system simultaneously over a network.

5. **Hack Club Shop Interface (hack-club.txt):**
   - **Enhanced GUI**: Improve the GUI aesthetics and usability.
   - **User Authentication**: Add user authentication to personalize the experience.
   - **Detailed Item Descriptions**: Fetch detailed descriptions and images for items from APIs.
   - **Tracking Progress**: Track user progress towards earning specific items.

6. **Tetris Game (final-game.txt):**
   - **Multiplayer Mode**: Implement a multiplayer mode for competitive games.
   - **Power-Ups**: Add power-ups and special blocks to add variety to the gameplay.
   - **Levels and Challenges**: Increase difficulty over time with different levels and challenges.

7. **Guessing Game (guessing-game.txt):**
   - **Leaderboard**: Create a leaderboard to track high scores.
   - **Different Modes**: Add different difficulty modes or timed challenges.
   - **User Profiles**: Allow users to create profiles and save their progress and high scores.

### Project Ideas Using Similar Skillsets:

1. **Personal Fitness Tracker:**
   - **Skillsets**: Web scraping, API interaction, data visualization.
   - **Features**: Track fitness goals, integrate with APIs from fitness devices, visualize progress with charts and graphs.

2. **Home Automation Dashboard:**
   - **Skillsets**: GUI development, IoT integration, real-time data processing.
   - **Features**: Control smart home devices, monitor statistics (temperature, energy usage), voice control features.

3. **Virtual Paint Application:**
   - **Skillsets**: GUI development, real-time processing, interaction design.
   - **Features**: Create digital art with various tools, layers, and effects; support for drawing tablets.

4. **Travel Planner App:**
   - **Skillsets**: Web scraping, API interaction, UI/UX design.
   - **Features**: Find and book flights, hotels, and activities; create itinerary and travel logs, real-time updates.

5. **Stock Market Analysis Tool:**
   - **Skillsets**: Data scraping, machine learning, visualization.
   - **Features**: Real-time stock price updates, predictive analytics, custom alerts, and notifications.

6. **Educational Platform:**
   - **Skillsets**: Web development, user interaction, data handling.
   - **Features**: Interactive lessons, quizzes, progress tracking, and custom curriculum creation.

7. **Mental Health Assistance App:**
   - **Skillsets**: API interaction, data handling, NLP (Natural Language Processing).
   - **Features**: Mood tracking, daily journal entries, AI-driven advice, resource recommendations.

8. **Weather Notification System:**
   - **Skillsets**: API interaction, real-time data processing, UI development.
   - **Features**: Fetch and display weather updates, push notifications for severe weather alerts, customizable dashboards.

Implementing these suggestions and branching out into new projects can help expand your portfolio, enhance your skills, and potentially provide useful tools and applications for various users.
Today i created a script that pulls all my public repos and summarizes each one using chatgpt. I am planning on adding a part that gets all the summaries, then generates project ideas based on your skillset/interests.
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
I created a music player app controllable entirely by swiping on a trackpad with right = skip, left = prev, bottom = pause. and Y axis is volume. space bar also brings up the selected music player.
I finished my hack club hours calculator, where you can input what you would like, and how many days you will miss, and it will return all the information you need to accomplish that goal! *note the selection is a little buggy; if it returns negative or 0.1 days needed, reselect the items and press calculate again