@polypixeldev0Playing with Sprig for (somehow) the first time!
#100-days 🎨
@polypixeldev0Never too much map-of-the-slack-ery! Working on un-jank-ifying code and turning it into a basic python CLI with click
@ShawnMalluwa-U04BBP8H9FA0modified the perlin noise library I'm using to allow me to pass in a seed (more specifically, an array of floats) meaning maps are now deterministic, and it will be possible to seed the seed of the map in the future! it also means I understand how the library works a little better. I also separated out the number parsing and organized/commented the interpretation function a little better, so that adding more commands in the future will be possible. gonna try and get the check command working tonight!
@OrbitalDev0#100-days! I was rather busy today, but I did improve my streak on Duolingo, and maintain my 2nd place spot. See you tomorrow, when I'll have more school and more time to finish stuff!
@V2050A bug in the iOS 17 sim? Pretty funny. 100 days SwiftUI
@V2050What did I do wrong this time??!???? Trying to use WKWebView with no success.
@sam0I’m back to work on my WHW project for #100-days! The procrastination to write the software has led me to almost forget about it. The hardware portion is mostly done and been collecting dust. I’ve tightened some screws and cleaned up edges. I’m hoping to get it operational soon!
@Peiprjs0My streak is back! Thanks Sam. And Zero, you’re gonna have to try harder…