@ShawnMalluwa-U04BBP8H9FA0busy with schoolwork today, so i only managed to squeeze in a little time to finish remastering a background from an older chapter of my comic book (+ learn how to use librecad to help out zoya!). BACK TO THE SOCIOLOGY MINES I GO
@OrbitalDev0T-69 Days until Orpheus house wins!
I was really tired/dehydrated/whatever from school and stuff today, so I didn't do a lot. I recorded a recording of Love Story lyrics over my version of Romeo's Love Story, but it's really bad quality, so don't blame me if you listen to it.
Ofc, I kept duolingo-ing.
Stay hacky and go team Orpheus!
youtu.be/1FDxpyPjV3o (Romeo's Love Story + Love Story)
@OrbitalDev0T-70 days until Orpheus wins!
I only really worked on Duolingo again as well as an essay on Lincoln. I spent most of the day traveling...
Anyway see you all tomorrow!
@V2050Playing with some width and height vars…….. I think i might build scratch into sprig app if possible,…….
@V2050A bug in the iOS 17 sim? Pretty funny. 100 days SwiftUI
@Skye0I'm starting to believe 8 is my lucky number. At least on GitHub.