We’re finally able to share the high level schematic for the board (we have many more lower levels to the schematic hierarchy)!! A huge shoutout to our team @jc @HenryBass-U02KEJ8T6D8 @Cheru, and @NilaRam for ALL the hard work we put in this week!!:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: 🔥 Also a huge shoutout to everyone who helped us, fed us, and housed us (@ThomasStubblefield + @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0) this week. Thank you to @KaraMassie and @msw for coordinating with us, and helping us through the logistics for this project. Thanks @NickyCase, @malted, @kognise, @belle, @karina) for hanging out with us this week, and keeping our spirits high. Next sprint we plan to write a programmable multilayer convolution layer NN using wavelet transforms. Stay tuned for our progress next sprint (December 26th-1st), and come to our demo day on New Year’s day if you’re around (or tune in via zoom). Thanks everyone who joined and participated in this channel, and follow our Twitter so see the memes we post from the week (OpenAI board memes, touching grass, team sink + more😁). 3-2-1 MMI!!!!!!!
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@HenryBass-U02KEJ8T6D8 Uh oh 🤣 Physics engine got crazy when too many entities are generated. But very nice work!
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@HenryBass-U02KEJ8T6D8 hung out with us at hq yesterday and helped us test a new way of making games in gamelab wouldn't it be epic to run this game on a hand-sized device you could only get by making a cool game of your own? that's being developed in #nemea if you'd like to follow along :)