GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE! MERRY SUNDAY!! let me tell a bit of a story. it was yesterday afternoon, and @zoyashussain reminded me that the swift student challenge submission date was tomorrow (thank you zoya!!!!) so, i scrambled to make an app! enter MOL!! mol is a mini app on your iphone and apple watch that lets you view the elements of the periodic table and all of their properties! 🧪 :table: 🧑‍💻 mol ios: github.com/tobyab/ssc24 📱 mol watchos (my favourite mol): github.com/tobyab/mol ⌚ (i'll combine the repos at some point) it's not on the app store (yet!), since i don't have an apple developer account. but do clone the repos and run them on your devices if you wanna give it a whirl! pls enjoy! thank you for reading!!! 💖 (p.s, i don't understand chemistry, so none of this made sense to me either :P)
GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE! MERRY SUNDAY!! let me tell a bit of a story. it was yesterday afternoon, and @zoyashussain reminded me that the swift student challenge submission date was tomorrow (thank you zoya!!!!) so, i scrambled to make an app! enter MOL!! mol is a mini app on your iphone and apple watch that lets you view the elements of the periodic table and all of their properties! 🧪 :table: 🧑‍💻 mol ios: github.com/tobyab/ssc24 📱 mol watchos (my favourite mol): github.com/tobyab/mol ⌚ (i'll combine the repos at some point) it's not on the app store (yet!), since i don't have an apple developer account. but do clone the repos and run them on your devices if you wanna give it a whirl! pls enjoy! thank you for reading!!! 💖 (p.s, i don't understand chemistry, so none of this made sense to me either :P)
thought i might as well post what i did yesterday to get into a habit of scrapping! did some genuinely fun physics (1), had a meeting with @DaisyReyes-U046V3EK56W working on revamping HCB documentation (2), & had a call with @zoyashussain where we discussed starting/joining an frc team among other things (3). also, my PCBs arrived (4)!
thought i might as well post what i did yesterday to get into a habit of scrapping! did some genuinely fun physics (1), had a meeting with @DaisyReyes-U046V3EK56W working on revamping HCB documentation (2), & had a call with @zoyashussain where we discussed starting/joining an frc team among other things (3). also, my PCBs arrived! (4)