

0-day streak
day 37 of 10 in #10-days-in-public!! learning how to apply derivatives is getting harder.
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day 36 of 10 in #10-days-in-public!!! i watched this video!
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day 35 of #10-days-in-public! im on part B of the unit. i hate word problems
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day 34 of #10-days-in-public!!! i freaking finished it!! it was a breeze in the meadow, i dont know why i thought it would be so hard
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day 33 of #10-days-in-public!! woohhhh this is tough
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day 32 of 10 in #10-days-in-public!!!! ive been working on PSET 2!! im like halfway done. derivatives of trig functions are fascinating, and the hyperbolic ones are sweeet!
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day 31 of 10 in #10-days-in-public!!! man its been a full month! i finally finished pset 1!!! i feel fantastic!
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day 30 of 10 in #10-days-in-public!!! I finished Problem set 3 wooo!!! 🎉 it was tough, like really tough, but i was able to push through.
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day 29 of 10 in #10-days-in-public!! i have been working on the first question in the problem set, might take me a while to finish it
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day 28 of 10 in #10-days-in-public!! i finished part A of PSET 3 and reviewed all related content
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day 27 of 10 in #10-days-in-public!!! ive been teaching myself calculus and reviewing exponents. i have to be more attentive when i implicitly differentiate functions
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26 of 10 in #10-days-in-public!! i did some of the problems in the third PSET, but wasn’t successful in getting through it efficiently. the mistakes i made was forgetting to use the chain rule when needed. next steps: • review some of the content of unit one and the how-to of taking derivatives of functions. still need to review on exponentials, e, logarithms, etc, • finally do the rest of PSET 3 • work on the next part of the unit\
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day 25/10 of #10-days-in-public!!! i didn’t do much and it was very hard to stick to a schedule and do it i was able to fix the retrieve operation of my project!
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day 24 of #10-days-in-public!! winter breakkkk
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day 23 of 10 in #10-days-in-public!! cant let reese beat me still not giving me the errors i want it to give
day 22 of 10 in #10-days-in-public! ITS NOT WORKING NOR GIVING ERRORS LIKE ITS SUPPOSED TO
day 21 of 10 in #10-days-in-public! i have 2 midterms and 2 finals. this is fine
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day 20/10 for #10-days-in-public, been working on the manage-env tool. i need more time with it
day 19/10 in #10-days-in-public i decided to review antiderivative rules, and still very barely understand them
day 18/10 of #10-days-in-public!! im reviewing curve sketching in calculus, and will get to doing the problems, and soon the Problem Sets
day 17/10 #10-days-in-public!! im on a fine thread on when the next day is and scrappy is the only thing saving me from losing to reese. may the Lord have mercy. fuck midterms man read a little more on the Go book! i read about the sync package and WaitGroup! ive been taking notes so thats why i am very slow at reading the book. also im using the command line to take notes, please dont judge me. its easier than having to switch to a google doc every time
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day 16/10 #10-days-in-public!! i read a bit of chapter 3 of the go book today!
day 15/10 of #10-days-in-public, kept working on the dev environment manager, almost finished with it (not really). just need to implement these. end goal is to have the ability to run an environment entirely from a docker container, and have an autosave (which checks whether a docker container is running, and when it runs it waits for it to stop and then it saves it) and manual save (the user can manually save the docker container). the load command is to load a docker container from the latest snapshot. i have a lot to do
day 14/10 of #10-days-in-public!!! ive made a github for the idea i was having to be able to have development environments. basically its docker dev environments but on the command line. I want to make it work with vim and neovim soon. im going to try and come back to it tomorrow, since i have a TON of school assignments i have to do before school starts.
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day 13/10 of #10-days-in-public!!! ive been working on my script to save the dev environment but its not working arhghhghghg. it keeps looping
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day 12/10 for #10-days-in-public!!! Ive been learning how to make a slack bot in go! its fun so far!
day 11 out of 10, reviewed quadratic approximation! im going slow and steady with learning calculus! i wanted to upload the assignment i worked but my phone refused to share the photo to my computer unfortunately
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DAY 10 OF #10-days-in-public!!!!!!! WOOHOOOO 🎉
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I decided to review some calculus! I reviewed linear approximation, and looking back at it, im starting to agree with carot on the note of ( its a heck of a whole lot easier than trying to understand approaching infinitely small quantities. tomorrow, im going to break the rules and go to day 11!
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day 9 of #10-days-in-public!!!! i decided to review some Go by doing exercises on W3C!
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Day 8/10 of #10-days-in-public! finished 2 chapters of Go concurrency and took notes!
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day 7 of #10-days-in-public! been reading about http and rest api. still confused on what they are, but if i plan to code my own. maybe ill fully understand them soon.
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day 6 of #10-days-in-public! been reading the docker and go docs. ive also been working on my environment and setting it up
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day 5 of #10-days-in-public! wrote the dockerfile, might need some time to improve on it. gonna be learning go soon
day 4/10 of #10-days-in-public learned about joining in sql. still dont understand it
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day 3 of #10-days-in-public im planning to make a very simple website with the goal of learning how to use sql, go, and docker combo web server
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second day of #10-days-in-public learning calculus and picking up where i left off finished the first part of it
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day 1 of #10-days-in-public!! learning sql atm
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@ced!!!!! @ced!!!!!! I was able to get the game engine to work, it took sooooo long
game manager is almost done! just gotta finish it and move on to testing (mommy im scared)
engine.js almost done. almost. haven’t even begun making a bird yet
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the website i used to learn html and css is done, time to make flappy birds in js
steaing Ced’s work
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scrappy be trippin lol
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working on a csv parser written in c 😎
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woooh i first successful python program in years! the nostalgia
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Late new years resolutions: • make at least 5 github contributions a week • get better at working harder smarter • build one app every 6 months • update one app every month because im a lazy procrastinator i won’t start these new years resolutions til february heres a photo of my github commits, pretty lame
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learning css rn 😁
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still workin’ on my code 😅
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woohoo my website rough draft is complete! im gonna improve on it later but in the meantime here’s what i have! enjoy!
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made a clock in google drawings for my app (its a surprise 🤫)
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Learning about java project building
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