My progress with the app till now! From the last submission i fixed some bugs, added a scroll bar at the bottom!
I made my own tetris game and an ai for too but slack's screen recorder isn't detecting it for some reasonI made a typing game in python!Its finally working! Made a neural network visualizer!
Made a customizable audio visualizer in HTML
This is my pathfinding visualizer program that i made.. it has a couple of algorithms you can play with tooFinished a pomodoro gui
Needless to say i suck at the game but here's my attempt at makingsomething similar to doodlejumpGuys have you ever wondered of searching for something very specific but you don't remember? Like a oatmeal recipe you saw 2 days ago (It's wacky but that's bcos i messed up the code and started from scratch being very annoyed at myself)Finished Flask ChessI made my own huge project!! This is a virtual pet that changes the way it acts based onthe music you play on Last.Fm.. It might be simple but im so proud of making it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just made a shot at making my own web app but sadly it was a hit and a fail.. my model isn't taking input in the same way.. 😞
Made an incomplete dino project 😅
This is a successfully failed project lmao started as something and ended as something else
made my first live site lol!! thanks to @ShubhamPatil
Made a 3D Renderer!!
Made an AI Based 2048 Player!! It took a while and i made it all from scratch again but atleast its here now lol
Movie recommendation system
My progress in android app till now!
Unbeatable flappy bird lets goooooooo
Made a siteeeee les goo that predicts your salary based on your experience in years
Made a gravitation simulation!
Finally after so many hours goddamn..
essentially unbeatable tic tac toe ai les gooooo
Made Conway's game of life on python..
Bank management system kinda
Finished my ai based tic tac toe game!!
made a pharmacy management system.. gotta fix the bugs tho
Finished my contact management system..!
Finished hotel management system
Tried making text editor in cpp and failed setting it up lmao so made it in python
Finisheddd book recommender system!!!
Space invader game i made using pygame!!
a simple login app i made using tkinter.. learning the module..
A web scraping top 100 movies to watch recommender program
a to do list i made
Made snake using turtle module in python
Made a multiplayer rolling game, a madlib game and a calculating game
I added the enemies in my space-invader pygame!! (also im banking in the session for image to ascii art converter i made since i didnt want to post a scrapbook for just one session)
some dsa and pandas exercise i forgot to bank
I couldn't get the database to work.. im gonna stick to simpler programs from now on.. this was too much work.
Finallly done with librarian
Movie recommendation ml model!
Twitter sentiment analysis bot i made earlier today
Stock market predictor i made a while ago!
Finally finished the backend module phew!!
Single handedly the most lines of code i've ever written..
creating the database module for library management system
Added encryption and decryption! (idea by A Badly Drawn Wobbler)
Added a new random password generator!
the password manager can now save passwords too!!
(need to get the generation part down tho ;-;)
finished making the UI for my Password Generator. Oh im also making it such that it remembers all the passwords too so you can search and get the passwords