

0-day streak
wrote a dummy simple Go function that I deployed to Vercel because i n s t a n t g r a t i f i c a t i o n. earlier today i had a research project team meeting, stretched outside, ported over some components in a site unification project at work, and had two meetings.
added some ppl to my webring 🕸️ 💍 ! today i chatted with theo and linus about an article i'm writing and got some insightful ideas
earlier today I cleaned and moved up this bookcase that was stored in my basement, discovered some mildly embarrassing but interesting google docs i made circa 2015-2017, and paired with a coworker on writing some yummy marketing copy
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i published a blog post today www.katmh.com/real-world ✍️ i also made pasta from scratch, organized + found data sources for a research project, and chatted with friends about various ideas (improving energy levels, buying a new bookshelf, and a writing project)
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pre-registered for (tentative) classes this morning, wednesday looks thicc but hopefully not all of those sessions need to be synchronous • 6.009 intro to programming • 6.042 discrete math • 18.022 multivariable calc (more math-concept-heavy version) • STS.008 technology and experience • 14.01 microeconomics
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my 👩‍💻
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i'm bacc on the scrappbooke‼️ coded at work today, read a few chapters of How the Internet Happened, worked out a bit and stretched, and now am editing an article draft
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I don't have any good pics 🤧 this morning before work, I had a writing accountability call with a friend and had a breakthrough in the structure of my blog post! later, I brainstormed a column with another friend and chatted w/ a colleague about her approach to social media/brand work
today I had a few work meetings, met & chatted with a recruiter at my company, had a call w/ friends to work on our writing pieces, and fixed my old robotics team's website which was down (post from the website shown)
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Did some research for a blog post I'm aiming to write & publish by the end of the week
Video from my walk earlier today
went for a walk
Session 2 of my journey of learning how to improve on piano (I don't expect these to sound good — they're like the "before" part of a "before + after"). During my 1st session last week I kept in mind nothing except to generally stay in the same key. Since then I've reviewed chords a bit + watched some relevant videos, but it's all been pretty passive + I haven't practiced the concepts yet. Today I added some left-hand chords + continued exploring melodies in various keys, but being so out of practice made it hard for my hands to coordinate. I think I'll see rapid improvement once I review my chords more actively + practice playing different progressions 🎹
I made a new user on my Mac for internship work only so I can focus better & eliminate distractions. Previously I was just using a different browser, but under this new user, I have light mode instead of dark, the opposite scroll direction lol, a different browser, and only work-essential things set up (e.g. no iCloud). thanks @tmb for the suggestion
I pruned 102 Github repos down to 57 today — I deleted empty/unwanted ones, archived ones I'm no longer maintaining, and for the remaining ones, I changed my master branches to main
I made progress on a website I'm creating w/ Gatsby (1st pic: current state, 2nd pic: rough mockup built w/ Jekyll)
https://cloud-6zgw9k2as.vercel.app/0image.png https://cloud-6zgw9k2as.vercel.app/1image.png
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Made another drawing! Took about 5-6 hours between this afternoon and last night
I finished my first multivar calc problem set
I finished the drawing I started last night!
I also started doing multivariable calculus problems tonight! One of my goals this summer is to review/learn multi and I’ve just started to wrap up my review of single variable calc and get started on working through multivariable calc problems :)
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I started my first ever digital art project!