:kitty-dance: 🌸 *days of service ship incoming:* :kitty-dance: 🌸 Blossom 🌸 was held in Atlanta, Georgia from March 15-16th. working closely with the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta :girl-scouts:, i had the privilege of organizing a day-long event that brought together a team of high school female mentors and dozens of eager girl scouts. beginner girl scouts embarked on exciting journeys - from crafting their own PCB :pcb: keychains that they later had manufactured through #onboard to delving into an introduction of javascript :js: to code drawings on #blot the drawing robot. every girl went home with a unique new hardware or software project that they 100% created themselves, but most importantly, the confidence needed to pursue coding further :blobheart:. we also had a brilliant dinner (with ricotta balls :blobby-doughnut:) the night before with 28+ women in technology and STEM who guided us with their stories and experiences in their fields. all the high school mentors and i were fueled for the day ahead of us by the end of the night:half-salute:. it was so motivating to see girls who had never touched code before leaving the event with the confidence that they had a place in the world of technology & finished projects that they could show off. 🔗 website: :githubparrot: github repo: 📷 day of service photos: 🥂 women in STEM dinner photos: thank you to @MariannaLudensky @NilaRam @christina695 &amp; the whole <!subteam^S06A2EGQ29M|@blossom-team> for the wonderful event we pulled off, hopefully inspiring many girls along with each other through the process.
Hackclub supported me with $100 for internet and a router. Thank you so much @tina @christina695 and the Hackclub team. 🤗 Here is the router I bought :yay: 😃
Thank you @christina695 for sharing the link to the recording... it was a great webinar!
Had a productive day, though I took a break to watch the :appleinc: Apple Event with @matthew. (Not buying anything yet, somehow!) Made the first version of unified transaction lists on :bank-hackclub: Hack Club Bank (pictured below!), improved the 🧾 receipt experience for the new Stripe Issuing cards. (Lots more coming there.) Also worked with @christina695 at the end of the day, bringing some design polish to a slide deck for an upcoming donor call.
bank-hackclub emoji
summer-of-making emoji
appleinc emoji
relaxing day with high level discussions around clubs. planning out the move to stripe issuing. draw some space stuff 🚀 with sharpie pens that @christina695 picked up at the art store (thank you!).
Every two weeks, @christina695 & @zrl & I write a newsletter to Hack Club’s biggest donors & supporters. Though they look simple, we each spend many hours planning, writing, editing, revising, & testing them. They’ve been an incredibly useful tool for our fundraising, so as we send out new ones, we open source old ones, six weeks behind. Since I’ve been writing our latest issue, I’ve also published our issue from May 20. Here’s a video of the shortcut I made on my iPad to publish!