:shipitparrot: 💌 #leaders and clubs ship :shipitparrot: 💌 i spent the last week working on Leaders Letters, a new blog article page for running advice and sharing stories - from club leaders, for club leaders. this was heavily inspired by purdue hackers blog and @matthew. when i read technicolor last year, my club was nonexistent, my administration had probably blocked me on email, and i was on the verge of quitting. but at a time like this, i somehow stumbled upon this beautiful piece of writing and the words "EVERY SCHOOL NEEDS A HACK CLUB KID". it forced me to realize that my end goal was to create a space for students like me with hacker culture that just didn't exist. okay, maybe i wouldn't wear a hack club sticker cape - but i could definitely be the "hack club kid" at my school. i found a second home in hack club and through the process, was empowered to start a similar ecosystem at my own school. fast forward to today, not only does the miraculous club that i once dreamt of running exist, but we have people like @TishaKaur @ChristianDutton-U04E0LL16MA @AanyaKungwani from that club who have gone on to become a deeper part of hack club through hackathons, #days-of-service (#blossom), #forsyth-hacks :forsyth-hacks-2-bolt:, & #the-summit :leaders-summit:. we have had huge meetings with successful workshops that have propelled people to join hack club, but mainly a lot of smaller ones that just seem like hanging out with a group of friends and creating projects :taco-dance:. this year, i had the greatest pleasure of onboarding @PaulKim, @michelle, and @RyanDu-U04QM0MH6TV and we've created an even larger cohort of metro-atlanta hack clubs who are working to create #hack-the-aquarium :ocean-magic_wand:. when i joined hack club, it was something extraordinary and out worldly and allowed me to find "my people". when i became a hack club leader, i was given the platform and tools to help others like me find each other and a school-wide and now city-wide tight-knit community in atlanta. i am just so grateful i took this jump after hearing all the experiences of past leaders. leaders letters is written in next.js :nextjs: and tailwind :tailwind: and will be updated with monthly leader blog articles or stories that need to be shared. the goal of the site is to serve as a stagnant place for the greatest memoirs that will help boost and inspire future leaders, and in the process allow current leaders to have their voices heard. :heart-eng: my final ask is if you're a leader who wants to share your story, don't hesitate! send me a DM or make a PR with the instructions in the repository! and more importantly, if you're not a leader, apply to be one and remember that it's never too late to start. trust me, it literally changed my life and every day helps me change others' lives as well. :githubparrot: 🔗 huge thank you to @fayd & @ShubhamPatil for moral support and helping me with the website coding. also thank you @matthew for the inspiration (from realizing that technicolor & future letters needed a home). and lastly, thank youuu :blobheart: @SarahDowden for the moral support and conversations that kept me sane through the work.
:forsyth-hacks-label: forsyth hacks (#forsyth-hacks) happened on November 18th, 2023 and was an overall success! at a point we had around 60 attendees and overall had an amazing time with our theme ⚡ (electricity) as well as workshops ranging from @ajs2’s jams to a mini UI design competition. and finally, the hours of food, coding, new friends, and projects (everything from a storm tracker app to a platformer game made w flow!) personal highlights of the event for me was probably the conversations i had with new people :heart_hands: the whole day, the chance to mentor a group into creating their entire project - from not having an idea, to developing and shipping it 🚢, lightning talks during lunch (like the one about jamstack by @davidm) 🎤, presenting an APIs workshop :postman:, the amazing swag we were able to handout (including string bags, polaroids :tw_camera_with_flash:, & stickers), and of course the presentations at the end! i want to give a huge thank you and shoutout to the following: • @ChristianDutton-U04E0LL16MA right hand man all the way and helped make my website design a lovely reality. (can't wait for 3.0) • @RyanDu-U04QM0MH6TV for the fresh new perspective and ideas for the event & an awesome workshop on how to not make crappy UI design (as well as the mini:figma:competition afterward) • dj! for the most amazing design and logo for the event :forsyth-hacks-2-bulb:. (or "sick sticker" as sam poder himself deemed worthy) • everyone who attended! we had over triple the amount of projects than last year and over 80 registered by the day of! • and ofc everyone at hack club :hackclub-party: who cheered me on all the way (and :bank-hackclub-dark: ofc hcb grant- this event would not have been possible without this :money-printer:, and from the bottom of my heart i am very grateful :blobheart: ). ◦ i had an amazing conversation with @theamazing0 in the middle of the day about how special hack club was to me and how he's in the process of discovering this love for the community as i did a year ago. ▪︎ this spread of love would not be possible if not for the support of more hackathons and more clubs around the world! 📷 full photo album: :githubparrot: hackathon website source code:
🚢 :forsyth-hacks-bw: hackathon ship! 🚢 :forsyth-hacks-bw: forsyth hacks happened 3/25/23! it was a full day hackathon with about 50 attendees and was an overall success! it was a great learning experience and although the whole ordeal took about 4 months to plan, i wouldn't have it any other way. in the end, it was amazing to have reached so many individuals from beginners to experienced coders in an event that allowed them to collaborate and simply have fun. and of course, couldn't have done it without @ChristianDutton-U04E0LL16MA who single handedly coded our website and was always there to listen to my late night rants about budgeting and venue trauma. (can't wait for whatever we come up w next year!)
had an unforgettable day leading forsyth hacks with @ChristianDutton-U04E0LL16MA today! here's a mini-ship, but sm more coming soon :forsyth-hacks-bw:
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had an unforgettable day leading forsyth hacks with @ChristianDutton-U04E0LL16MA today! here's a mini-ship, but sm more coming soon :forsyth-hacks-bw:
day 10/10 of #hardware-party: I FINALLY SET UP THE PI:raspberry-pi-logo:the ten days may be over, but my adventures with creating and hardware are not. i'll be continuing my project in scrapbook and #sahiti-refuses-to-get-off-the-train for anyone who wants to follow along, but this has been an amazing opportunity. would've never gotten to do this without hack club. i love you guys :aww: thank you @Arpan @ChristianDutton-U04E0LL16MA and everyone else who helped me through my nightmare setting up process!