YOHOO!! Hackclub Twitter posted about me and my drone!! All thanks to the amazing @belle for reaching out for this! And to the fabulous @MelanieSmith for making me so motivated for WHW to do well!! PS: Chaotically Awaiting the next hardware event! Till then I'll create Pin and sticker designs for @Holly ! :8bit-heart: Thank You All!
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Greetings,:beatsaber: fellow Hackers, Hack Clubbers & hardware wizards! It's Day 12 of WHW #hardware-party, and I come bearing exciting news from our winter wonderland drone project. After weeks of hard work, late nights, and endless cups of hot water (Did not have cocoa:sadge:), we've finally done it! Our drone is complete!!!:aussieparrot: The drone has very cool attachments & features like a high-resolution camera and advanced sensors that can detect changes in temperature, humidity, and air pressure. It's highly adaptable and can fly in humid, fog, and terrain which is difficult to traverse! Along the road, we faced our fair share of difficulties, from debugging code to testing flight stability while being ill, but I overcame them all with the help of my trusty hot water and team spirit. It was all worthwhile in the end. We have developed a drone that is not only useful but also a tonne of fun. In the end, I would like to T:hackclub-slack:ANK @HackClubBank-U04SEGJ8WN5 for funding this project and @MelanieSmith for overseeing it, and @TanishqUpmanu-U04F0RWGARH for helping me so much! Now, let's raise a cup of hot water (cocoa for the rich people☕) to this fantastic journey of building a drone project and celebrating its end. This will be my last WHW post and #drone series. Thank you all for supporting! I'll see you all tomorrow! Bye, Goodnight! PS : Gonna get into all the #44-74 stuff going around! Gotta solve those mysteries YK!
Winter Hardware Wonderland #hardware-party There were complications in getting the Hack Club Bank to work and parts were slow to ship from overseas - but finally I got all the parts to work and here is the first prototype of the Triton Amphibious Rover! The RC controlled rover features a LEGO Technic vehicle that I coupled with a motor, and for the water side of things I rigged an underwater motor and 3D printed rudder to a 25KG servo motor. All this is remotely controlled with an RC so that you can take it to explore different terrain and locations! It is also powered by a rechargeable LiPo battery and will be able to operate up to 15 minutes on a full charge in optimal conditions. Will update more photos and videos of it in action soon! Please do give feedback/suggestions as this is my first big scale project and thanks to @MelanieSmith and @belle for the support.
:quad_parrot: Ahoy there, matey! Avast ye eyes and lend me thy ears, for I've got a tale to tell ye about a drone unlike any other. This be no ordinary flying contraption, for it be equipped with the finest artificial intelligence and advanced sensors known to man. Arrr, let me regale ye with the details of this marvelous invention. Our drone, which we'll call the "AI Sentry," is a technological marvel that could make even Blackbeard himself envious. With its advanced sensors, it can detect and track targets from great distances, making it an invaluable tool for surveillance and reconnaissance. But what truly sets the AI Sentry apart from other drones is its AI capabilities. It has been programmed to learn and adapt to its environment, allowing it to make split-second decisions and adjust its flight path accordingly. Whether it be navigating through treacherous terrain or avoiding obstacles, the AI Sentry is up to the task. But that be not all, me hearties. The AI Sentry is also capable of autonomous flight, meaning it can operate without the need for human intervention. This makes it an ideal candidate for a wide range of missions, including search and rescue operations, disaster response, and even delivery services. But let's not forget about the AI Sentry's most impressive feature - its ability to swarm. That's right, this drone can operate in coordinated groups, communicating with each other and sharing information in real-time. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for applications such as security, crowd control, and even entertainment. So, there ye have it, me buckos. The AI Sentry is a drone like no other, boasting advanced sensors, artificial intelligence, autonomous flight, and swarm capabilities. With its endless possibilities, it's no wonder why it's the talk of the seven seas. thankyou @HackClubBank-U04SEGJ8WN5 for supporting the project , and special thanks to @MelanieSmith who over time in weekends, I am still making that device to stop you overwork , and @sampoder I assure you this will not crash AGAIN , ps-EPOCH
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Everything for my winter wonderland project is here! :winter-hardware-wonderland: I've also added an annotated picture. Here's my PR: Thank you to @belle for reviewing my PR, @MelanieSmith and @DaisyReyes-U046V3EK56W for help with bank and a huge shoutout to everyone working on everything surrounding the grant! Looking forward to building this drone :tw_airplane:
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"did you know gods of death love apples?" coffee cup for office, thx @MelanieSmith