@alialiwa20050OnBoard 2023 | Day 4
Today, I designed my Computer Scientist NFC card! @alialiwa20050OnBoard 2023 | Day 3
Gaynor McCown Hack Club NFC card.
💡 Stunning, innit?@alialiwa20050OnBoard 2023 Day 2 |
Schematics Rev 2.0!
@alialiwa20050NFCard PCBs first schematics draft for Hack Club OnBoard 2023
@alialiwa20050In May 2023, I have, for the first time, sponsored & organized a hackathon! 🎉
The event invited fellow students of all levels of mastery in computer science, and allowed participants at my school to form teams, make friends, innovate, win prizes, sharpen skills of all types (computer science, entrepreneurship, and beyond), and have a fun & memorable experience. 🎁
It was also a major personal goal for me that I am happy to have achieved before I graduate high school.
Taking my past personal memories at hackathons I've attended, such as BetaNYC (March 2020) and Hack Club's Epoch Vermont (December 2022)
The 2-day-long McCown Hacks also made a great closing to the third year (2022-2023) of Gaynor McCown Hack Club , and an awesome milestone of my nearly complete high school career 🎓 , in which my passion for computer science was sparked!
McCown Hacks website: McCownHacks.hackclub.com
McCown Hacks 2023 (inaugural event/first year) website: 2023.McCownHacks.hackclub.com
@alialiwa20050Inspired by Amazon Web Services (AWS) , Libre Web Services (LWS) , also known as "Raspberry Web Services (RWS)" , is a concept built during Hack Club's Winter of Making 2023 Winter Hardware Wonderland "10 Days of Making" event is a hackable, scalable, load-balanced, home-hosted, multi-node aarch64 Arm-based cloud powered by Kubernetes & Docker , created by @alialiwa2005 ("Hack Cat" ), a veteran Hack Club community member & founder 🧭 of Gaynor McCown Hack Club , established in November of 2020 .
Libre Web Services on Hack Club Scrapbook | Libre.hackclub.com
@alialiwa20050Winter of Making Day 1
• A 4-core Arm computer.
• A 60 watt power supply.
• A gigabit network switch.
• A snappy class-10 micro SD card.
A plan is brewing, a blueprint for a hackable cloud, right at home.
@alialiwa20050I've created an advert for my Hack Club's meeting tomorrow.
@alialiwa20050Just published Gaynor McCown Hack Club's "We Look Forward to Hack with You!" promotional video which I've been working on since December of 2020! | (youtu.be/5Ng8dOwSp90)@alialiwa20050Today I've unveiled a new gradient logo design for my Hack Club, Gaynor McCown Hack Club .
@alialiwa20050Did a grammar check on my Hack Club's website, was able to refine the text grammatically (found a few typos, too). Installed DeepSource, which is awesomely included in the !
With DeepSource, I've optimized code & reformatted JavaScript with prettier using Airbnb's awesome style guide. Added some GitHub badges onto the README.md file of the repository.
Gaynor McCown Hack Club's website (version 1.1.5) is live.