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Posts tagged with :js:

Early development version of a dungeon crawler I’m making with some friends, all running in p5.js via electron
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I am beginning my improvements on my JS physics engine, first with bounces. Now to implement surfaces with normals and normal reflections. This is quite fun!
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:scratch: :shipitparrot: SCRATCH SHIP: SSH FOR SCRATCH!!!:scratch: :shipitparrot: The past week I've been working on getting SSH over WebSockets working to allow for building SSH apps with TurboWarp, a Scratch fork with custom extensions. It required me to write Go code compiled for WebAssembly to get a full client working, but it does work! Introducing, turbowarp.sh - building blocks for SSH apps in Scratch. It allows you to connect to any Linux server provided it has a WebSocket tunnel to SSH (see websocat/websockify) like Nest! You can execute commands, have full programming control flow with Scratch, and more! You can try this extension today at turbowarp.org/editor?extension=https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/turbowarp.sh/dist/bundle.min.js ,or by loading bundle.min.js in the turbowarp.sh package through a NPM CDN (like jsdelivr) from the "Custom Extensions" tile. Git: sr.ht/~reesericci/turbowarp.sh NPM: www.npmjs.com/package/turbowarp.sh
I love Blot, here's QR Blot running! The result is fantastic!
:kitty-dance: 🌸 *days of service ship incoming:* :kitty-dance: 🌸 Blossom 🌸 was held in Atlanta, Georgia from March 15-16th. working closely with the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta :girl-scouts:, i had the privilege of organizing a day-long event that brought together a team of high school female mentors and dozens of eager girl scouts. beginner girl scouts embarked on exciting journeys - from crafting their own PCB :pcb: keychains that they later had manufactured through #onboard to delving into an introduction of javascript :js: to code drawings on #blot the drawing robot. every girl went home with a unique new hardware or software project that they 100% created themselves, but most importantly, the confidence needed to pursue coding further :blobheart:. we also had a brilliant dinner (with ricotta balls :blobby-doughnut:) the night before with 28+ women in technology and STEM who guided us with their stories and experiences in their fields. all the high school mentors and i were fueled for the day ahead of us by the end of the night:half-salute:. it was so motivating to see girls who had never touched code before leaving the event with the confidence that they had a place in the world of technology & finished projects that they could show off. 🔗 website: blossom.hackclub.com :githubparrot: github repo: github.com/hackclub/blossom 📷 day of service photos: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-XnTK7QPwufdo4flwsF7syqOoZwB0z6C?usp=sharing 🥂 women in STEM dinner photos: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-WR0RY4SCYAOzAD3T-Z6aT0_DYBsNGgj?usp=sharing thank you to @MariannaLudensky @NilaRam @christina695 &amp; the whole <!subteam^S06A2EGQ29M|@blossom-team> for the wonderful event we pulled off, hopefully inspiring many girls along with each other through the process.
I built a student portal/site for my school! In the future, there may be AI and official district portal features thrown in as well, but at the moment it's primarily being used for my school's course selection since that's what's happening right now at school. I'm so happy to have finished building it! It's a project that I've been hoping to launch since my freshman year of high school but never had the coding expertise to execute, and now it's open-source and live for the 1,700+ students at my school to access! Using Next.js, React, and the magic of the Google Sheets API, I was able to sell the course catalog that my school has (and I now encourage you to check it out)! It's now available at mybla.vercel.app :D It's been awkward walking around and seeing people compliment the project due to seeing my name in weekly announcements but I'm happy that it already has a happy user base even after being released for a short while.
Day 23 of #100-days-in-public. Today I implemented the AI! Now I am back to the point I reached with the pure html/css/js. Over the next two days I am going to be at a FRC competition, so I am going to have less time. If I do have time, I am going to try to make the api key stored in the browser URL. In my short testing for this post the AI just solved the problem for me and said it would sell it to me for the goal ($100). My prompts are sometimes blocked for "Safety" even when they say "Hi there!" so I may also look into that.
🚢 ANOTHER WEBSITE SHIP 🚢 I shipped 3 new pages for my website! The first one is a photos page, it pulls automatically from my Flickr for the photos and uses static images as fallback. The second one is a blog, it uses markdown files and tailwind typography for rendering them nicely! The third one is super simple but its a stack page, It includes the tools I use. Hardware and software! The website is written in :nextjs: Next.js and :tailwind: Tailwind CSS. It's all open source! ⭐ it on GitHub and live on aram.sh
My updates for day 9 and day 10 of #10-days-in-public! Yesterday I spent some time getting github.com/hackclub/wizard-orpheus up to snuff to run a workshop on how to build a game using it at #wonderland! It went really well and everyone built awesome games. I asked for feedback and got an NPS of 18%, which is good - but not great, so I’m working on improving it. The key issues people identified are: • Roughly 1/2 of people built something they were proud of, and a few people got super into it, but 1/2 of people didn’t customize and didn’t make something they’re proud of. I’m going to change the workshop so everyone comes up with their game concept and customizes from the beginning, rather than waiting to customize for the end • For the more advanced people who already knew JS, they wanted to see docs so they could figure out how to customize it deeper. So I wrote them! • The slides were hard to follow visually, so I am working on improving them
Day 2 for #10-days-in-public Today I did many things. I thought about how I was going to make the lesson list, and I thought about what the lessons were going to be. (and some music of course:music:). Also, I need to find some good colors. These are awful. I chose them because I could see them easily while I was making the table :table:. Tmr probably I will write some js:js: 😭
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React is going to be easy. Very excited! tags: js, react, linux, firefox, website, designing, programming and coding
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Started making an emulator for my custom CPU. It currently doesn't do anything, but i got display logic working, so i can just put text into memory and it'll write it out to the screen btw. it's written in JS :)
i spent this weekend at impact hack atlanta (www.impacthackatl.com), my first college hackathon AND my first in-person hackathon! i had so much fun meeting new people at tech and building solutions that intersected tech, policy, and sustainability. i created Partix, a particle visualization tool that uses the OpenWeatherMap API to display live data of particle pollution. build information (including a demo video) is available at www.karolina.mgdubiel.com/particle/build, and a live demo is here: <http://www.karolina.mgdubiel.com/particle|www.karolina.mgdubiel.com/particle> :)) it's mobile and desktop responsive (mobile is a little iffy -- slacked on that bc of the 36 hr time limit), but i learned sooo much about js building this and overall am really proud of the project. 🌿 UPDATE: i won two categories :)) best submission on the "healthy planet + people" track and best submission award from Southface, an atlanta climate action npo :D
Physics project with :minecraft: Minecraft. I combined command blocks logging data to chat. a quick and rough JS script, and the data can be visualized in Excel!
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working on my game before #harvest!! separated map generation from updating the display, and now i can pass in "modes", which can pull from different maps like the political map or the resource map. Once I get those generating properly (trivial?) I can display different maps, which ill connect up to the buttons I threw on top! then ill need to work on the structure of the player system, and allow the map to support an unlimited number of players. then ill need logging in to work, which should be trivial in the local version of this game, and then I will either start moving my code over to node.js or continue developing here (because node is scary)
modified the perlin noise library I'm using to allow me to pass in a seed (more specifically, an array of floats) meaning maps are now deterministic, and it will be possible to seed the seed of the map in the future! it also means I understand how the library works a little better. I also separated out the number parsing and organized/commented the interpretation function a little better, so that adding more commands in the future will be possible. gonna try and get the check command working tonight!
arghhh, learning JS!
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Learned Next.js in a week and made a new website! aram.sh!
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100 days? Been making the buttons for an interesting new project.... I can't figure out how to embed html and javascript in SwiftUI though 😞
learning how apis work by making my own with express.js
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🇨🇦 Hack The North 2023! @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0, @fayd and I teamed up to make :goose-dance: Hack The Geese :goose-honk-left:! It was a game that attendees could play using the QR codes on their badges. Here’s how’d it work: 1. You’d scan your badge’s QR code to log in. 2. Your find someone who you’d like to compete against and scan their badge’s QR code. 3. You’d both receive a prompt, eg. “take a selfie with a someone with blue hair”. 4. You’d race to take a fun picture based on the prompt before the other player does. 5. You either win or lose, then you got to choose wether or not to rematch! You can go to htgeese.tech/album to see all the photos that folks took during demos with the game (and many more of me stressing over the backend)! We used a slightly cursed combination of a Next.js frontend and a backend written in Go which interacted with one another through Websockets…. yeah, very cursed and very jank. We also used Vercel’s new Postgres & Blob storage services which were surprisingly good. And, of course, we used Prisma…. including it’s slightly hacky spin-off Go client. Another awesome part of the game was @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0’s custom designed geese (GEESE!): :htn-goose-1: :htn-goose-2: :htn-goose-3: :htn-goose-4: :htn-goose-5: :htn-goose-6: :htn-goose-7: :htn-goose-8: :htn-goose-9: :htn-goose-10: Every player got one of these made for them when they first signed! The game was a bunch of fun to play IRL and we had people playing it throughout the demo session. Attached is a sick selfie of @fayd in his sunnies and the judge! And at the end of the day, somehow, we were selected as winners so we got to demo on stage and won a couple of prizes which was pretty cool! Here’s us playing a game with all the attendees and a couple of other photos from the weekend (including us working on the project while on #hack-night!). The GitHub is full of more photos and stories from the weekend: github.com/sampoder/hack-the-geese. O CANADA!
Riffed on @/alex (in executive dysfunction mode)'s Kaboom.js jam during a 1-hour jam bonanza to make this game where this moon character has to collect lightning bolts and avoid bombs. Had a great bit of fun!
I made a simple todo app using Next.js + Clerk (for authentication) + Supabase + Shadcn-ui in order to learn how to mesh those technologies together!
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Wahoo! Today I learned how to use :vite: and I moved my github.com/jzaleta/night-skies project to use it! It was very fun to implement ES modules and to find janky :jankman: ways to add P5.js to it. :peefest: You can check the result site at night-skies.vercel.app like last time and star it ⭐ on GitHub if you want :) I still need to find a way to properly add meta tags so my index.html isn't very big but anyways this was nice to hack on.
Any js experts? Please help, I am suffering from 'being dumb' syndrome
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I finally finished my confetti thing for #angelhacks-site! :angelhacks: github.com/hackclub/angelhacks3/pull/8 :pr: This is my first time working with Next.js :nextjs: and I wanted to see if I could code something with it without reading any docs! *How?* • Well, first I had an error, I couldn't start the dev environment! :pensive-wobble: To fix this I (somehow) installed next globally and that allowed my package.json :npm: to run next build • After that, I wrote the confetti code and implement it on a React :react: component but I also don't know any react so it didn't work :eggsdee: • So I added the confetti code into the already existing PhotoGallery component! :yay: Everything looked good, but then I got this error: ReferenceError: document is not defined :errors: • To fix that, I run my code client side after watching a small tutorial and it ended up like this:
import Masonry from 'react-masonry-css'
import styles from './PhotoGallery.module.scss'
import { Nunito } from 'next/font/google'
import { useEffect } from 'react'

const nunito = Nunito({
  weight: ['400', '800'],
  subsets: ['latin']

export function Button({ children, fontSize = '7rem', ...props }) {
  const handleClick = () =&gt; {
    import('js-confetti').then(({ default: Confetti }) =&gt; {
      const confetti = new Confetti()
        emojis: ['🎮', '👾', '🕹️', '💻', '📸', '🎧', '🎨', '🪽']

  return (
    &lt;button className={styles.button} onClick={handleClick} {...props}&gt;
      &lt;span className={styles.shadow} /&gt;
      &lt;span className={styles.edge} /&gt;
        style={{ fontSize }}
        className={`${styles.front} ${nunito.className}`}&gt;

function Image({ src, text }) {
  return (
    &lt;div className={styles.photo}&gt;
      &lt;img src={src} width="auto" /&gt;

export default function PhotoGallery() {
  useEffect(() =&gt; {}, [])
  return (
    &lt;div className={styles.photoGallery}&gt;
      &lt;div className={styles.photos}&gt;
This was very fun to work with, and definitely I need to properly learn Next.js on the future. :salute:
Yesterday I turned 19-years-old. 🍰 *And I decided to reboot my coding journey and start all over again with a better, more organized design, focused in building in public.* The plan is to become a full stack web developer so I'll start first with Next.js/React! :nextjs: :react:. Also I made another profile repo for my GitHub, changed my username and deployed it at a Jekyll website with Ruby! :ruby: :github: github.com/jzaleta/jzaleta jzaleta.github.io/jzaleta
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Some React.js ....
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wahoo!! this uses a Go server running on my computer, which interfaces with the arduino to get nunchuck data (pings the arduino, which returns binary data via serial), & as a proof of concept runs an http server which is being called by a lil html/js app to display joystick position
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*It’s a quiet night... the weather forecast says:* 🌌 Starry-sprinkled night skies with a chance of shooting stars and Lo-fi beats. You say to yourself, wait, that can’t be possible, right? Definitely possible! I present y'all my new ship: night-skies.vercel.app 🚢 :quad_parrot: Night skies github.com/j-cordz/night-skies is a small p5.js :js: website that includes a starry night sky and random shooting stars and some lo-fi beats! 🎵 Please give it a ⭐ on :github: if you like it! This was very fun to work on, and helped me to learn more about p5js.
Started building a project to assist people in research rabbit holes and keep track of the path they have taken across paper references! Made a proof of concept in MIT App Inventor earlier this year and am now transitioning to making a more complete project using React.js.
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I BECAME A MOD ON DEV TO!!!!!!!! I'm a mod for web dev, beginners, and javascript
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I've been exploring browser rendering after @zrl mentioned Ladybird, including giving it a shot in Rust. The internals of SpiderMonkey are especially interesting; Mozilla wrote an overview of how its components work here: firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/js/index.html
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Started tinkering with GPT-3 with buildspace. I'm making a little UIL study tool for my team so that we can make studying more efficient and fun. Currently thinking about making the model answer in pirate voices and including other random easter eggs to make studying a little more interesting! Learned about prompt engineering as well as explored Next.js's backend serverless functions a little more.
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A little bit better :)
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Making a 3D scene in Blender for importing in ThreeJS
Today I tested out some well-known JS CLI argument parsers to see how fast they would run on the latest app I'm building
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Learning ThreeJS continues with Realistic Rendering
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