So, I want to mod my Original Xbox with as much of my own stuff as possible, Today I built a ethernet to wifi bridge in Kicad, It still needs some slight tweaks (ensuring that they are all correctly sized) but it's practically finished
Today I implemented a little projects section onto my site. I also migrated from github to codeberg
Today I started work on a present for my mother, It's eventually gonna light up once I solve some small issues
I have a build log here: However the hack hours are more informative
Still a WIP, but now I get to move onto the Electronic bits
I kind-of finished the Auth flow for my Image Synchronization project!
Day ? of #15-days-in-public Not sure if it even counts anymore tbt, Anyway I squashed a few bugs today
Day something of #15-days-in-public, Today I worked on a project component for my site (See current progress) Was out most of the day though bc fathers day
Day something of #15-days-in-public.
Today I didn't do a whole lot of work, as I focussed on my mental health and some odd jobs (Cleaning my desk, getting some school-nixos deployment stuff done) but I did add a dark mode and changed some fonts around
Day 3 (I think?) of #15-days-in-public, Today I added a newsletter integration to my site!
It's powered by loop's free tier (with tracking disabled).
Git commitThe Live site
I just got my little custom web framework serving basic html! It's going to eventually be a little MVC framework for node.js
It can't serve static pages rn and the page rendering could do a bit of work (I also want to eventually bootstrap my own web server as it's currently relying on express)
This took far too long
I got my cisco stuff working!
It can now issue IP addresses over dhcp to all my clients!
Day 10 of #10-days-in-public
I didn't get as much done as I would have liked to (screw life tbh)
I was in Manchester all day tho
Look at this old goods warehouse
Day 9 of #10-days-in-public,
Today I partook in FNM (Friday Night Magic)
Day 8 of #10-days-in-public
Today I did some work on a new hcb page! And then got a headache :(
Day 7 of #10-days-in-public
Today I finished migration of one of my tauri V1 apps to V2, hopefully I will get a chance to try the mobile build tmrw!
Day 6 of #10-days-in-public
Today I decided to take a break from the irritating problem of syncing images and instead started solving another annoying issue. That being that this project has like 6 different langs and running linters for all of them is annoying.
So I'm working on a CLI that will run them for me
Day 5 of #10-days-in-public, I'm still trying to port my desktop app to tauri V2 for that juicy mobile support.
Still not having much luck but it's a different error this time so yay?
Day 4 of #10-days-in-public, today K somewhat successfully worked on droppingvreact native and moving to ios/android with my existing tauri stuff.
I ended up asking for support because of migration weirdness
I also went mountain biking, but I don't have any photos of that
Day 3 of #10-days-in-public!
I broke the HCB settings page for events today...
Day 2 of #10-days-in-public, I did some thinking about how I want to actually do the syncing. I also did some general repo maintenance.
I spent a most of time playing MTG.
Day 1 of #10-days-in-public
Today I designed a new page for my image synchronization stuff in Figma and discovered that my Oauth stuff is incredibly broken somehow.
Apart from that I also diagnosed my mums broken laptop and discovered that only the screen seems to be broken and it talks to a monitor fine
I made a design actually reality today!
(there is a lot of extra space where other functions that aren't implemented will be)
On Friday, the Scoreboard that me and a friend built for my School's sports day had it's first trial by fire day. It went mostly well (We had a few minor issues but that was inevitable)
I had assumed it would work decently well as it had proven itself to be stable in production on Railway.
I would like to thanks @northeastprince for their help with general code clean-up and removing that pesky Redis configuration.
I would recommend anyone try to reuse this (there's a bunch of very specific to our school stuff contained within the code) I also wouldn't bother try logging in. Unless you have a login on our school Microsoft entra tenancy. It won't let you in but if you really want to look at it, you can see the code here and the production env here
Internally, this is a Ruby on Rails application with a Postgres DB
Accepted a 6th form offer!
This felt good lol (I purged a bunch of old git repositories)
I managed to shrink from 129 repos to 34 repositories!
It might of somewhat affected my contributions graph, but that doesn't really bother me too much
Go Gord!
Let's get that scrapbook train rolling again (I got side-tracked by SO MANY THINGS)
Today I'm working out how to use to-do lists for daily planning. and then I'll be working out what I'm going to do for Secret Santa, Go Gord!
I got grafana setup, now I just need to decide on what im going to log. I'll probably end up building a few IOT devices.
Go Gord!!!
worked on a site that I forgot to take a photo of, but here's a photo I took today. Go gord!!!
Still having "issues" with my network config on guest VM's. tbh I don't really get it lol and nothing online helps solve this. Go Gord!
Back to dedicated server land!
I decided to go for a AX41-NVME (I didn't want to pay a setup fee) I'm gonna load it with a mail server + stuff like a satisfactory server, and a few other self hosted bits and bobs. Go Gord!!
Today I made the unified auth system I'm working on load providers from a providers.json file that's generated on build from a directory (It also copies the providers to the public dir, so I know that the API routes will be able to access them. Go gord!
Telsa coils!
double the flipper, double the fun.
I own both because I'm working on some software that needs me to be able to test both send and receive which is easier when you don't have to reimplement anything yourself.
As far as names, the white one is called Vapei, and the transparent one is called Himack4.
Go Gord!
Made some more progress on my Flipper Zero Communication app. This includes a new frequency selector + a public message board
My next step is to do a minor refactor internally (move all my Enums to a separate file) and then implement settings and country based frequencies
#100-days Go Gord!!!
I'm working on my cross flipper communication thing. Today I got it compiling with a UI attached and started planning out the SubGHz initial UI. I think I need to change the knob component to a text box though,
You can follow my (probably bad code, it's my first time writing C) here: ICONS ARE TEMPORARYI ordered a flipper zero, and it arrived today. So I'm now writing an application in C (with basically no documentation) in order to create some Shortcuts for my tv remote.
Once I finish this, I'm gonna make something that allows me to transfer files over IR
I gave up with my figma file for my docs rewrite, and have now decided to go to what I call "Iterative Build and Design" (basically, building and designing at the same time).
I shopped around for cool looking UI libraries and eventually settled on shadcn/ui I then proceeded to implement part of my navigation bar.
Go Gord!
A wait lamp arrived for my traffic light. It's completely unwired though. (I'm currently thinking neopixels + a serial link back to the main MC)
I don't know what made my brain decide to start working on a Rockstar ( to JS transpiler...
Anyway, here's me fixing satriani to run under TS
my new PCB's arrived
However, I burnt a trace on the back and so I need to order some more pin headers and use my 2nd assembled boa
School has been hectic recently, Anyway I finally got time to work on a long overdue project (Moving my docs from to their own subdomain)
Here are some rough Figma designs 🙂
Started the long and laborious process of starting to use a Password Manager 🙂
Combining both #100-days and #onboard together for todays update on my Traffic Light
I've ordered the controller board from JLCPCB
Stupid Cambridge nationals coursework planning 😞
I found a new way to do flowcharts tho, that's kinda cool
I'm trying to build a crawler to try and gage how deep the links that wikipedia makes go (RN I'm not storing how it got there, only what it got to give me some general stats). I experience some fun errors sometimes
New Onboard pr submitted for my traffic light project #100-days
I think working on my traffic light (#seans-traffic-light-project) was part of my 100 days goals (I can't read my handwriting so it is now lol).
Anyway. Here's the final design for the main part of the Sequencer / Controller (The distribution / somewhat control board) #100-days
The traffic light I just bought
Day 4, 5, 6 of croatia (I might have overdone the photos lol)
Day 2 & 3 of croatia
I arrived in croatia yesterday for a holiday. Day 1s photos
Bought a dice set!
I released this yesterday., today I had my first IRL DND session, and my 2nd ever. and am currently trying to get / build die molds that I can 3D print and reuse. I don't want to use silicone because they are single use and I want to do 2 sets meaning double the work. But looking at where my research is going. it's probably inevitable. I possibly may have gained an old 3D printer (if I can get it home), i've attached a photo of it in it's current home
Still got a few more years on this Gource to go (I'm timing it for tmrw so I can record it and have an approximate timing)
It's been a while since this last happened
🙂 Dev env's go brr
Nothing is ever easy 😞
This message contains interactive elements.
I found an opportunity to take a photo on a no photo campus at Rolls Royce derby
That moment when you start adding a new feature to your site (rendering autogenerated documentation for my npm packages) and later that day your build routes layout looks like this and you aren't even done
Wrote my first unit tests today!
My bill for onboard lol (it's almost $200)
Sort of setup a new fish tank (it's a very small one for my desk) i've got to wait for the filter system to take hold before i can put fish in it
It's the small things in life
Did a 26 mile cycle ride from home to a campsite. Now enjoying a drink
Learning rails!
New Ship coming soonish
An led strip that lights up at both ends!So I bought an AX51-NVME dedicated server from hetzner, and then installed gitlab on it (accidently EE but ya know) with a reverse proxy
Sliced my thumb when getting a print off a bed
Print 1 of the 2 hexagon shelves i'm printing
Probably my last call as part of HCB ops (Hopefully not though)
I love nice looking logging
I let EasyEDA's autorouter do it's thing and cut the PCB design time from 2-4ish hours to like 10mins
Hidden London picadilly circus
the minimum is 5 and sure!
New watch moment
I picked up a like grid thing that you can snap together with poles to other of the grids. So I'm printing this tomorrow lol
Had a parents evening, and realized I wired up a rp2040 wrong. Have an image of the lanyard 3 generations ago
This is gonna be fun
I've been asked to join a campaign, I should probably work out how lol
London marathon
Thats a ton of changes
Stopped using a pico for my lanyard and started designing the rp2040 directly onto the board!
I ordered the wrong bearings... so I just adjusted the 3D model to correct for it (because its cheaper to protype it then buy new bearings)OOO, Octoprint!!!!
Did some more PCB design (it's a lanyard!)
Average semi complex schematic
My Github skyline for 2022, tmrw ima print one in my new fillament
Got some really nice art for an upcoming project
A 3D printer has been spotted 👀
My DIY clock has stopped working 😞 have a random picture
Peak district!
Installed a small network switch
Organized my spotify playlists
Tracked amazon packages...
Clock circuit!!! (Powered by the 555 timer IC) been struggling with this hardware most of the day) ignore the audioIts here!
Made progress on my mothers day present. Also burned myself with 450 degrees celcius tho
A tree fell down
Made progress on a mothers day present
Worked out what I want on my arch install when I get a framework? Wadya think?
Fixed some submodules
Just put in my first Sticker Mule order
Learning Ruby!
Snowww! Schools still open tho
Contemplated life, and my commute to school. No image 4 today :(
Taught mum and my sister how to play mc
Updating a several years out of date rpi lite install
Started building a set of Ikea draws for my new desk
Added my about section
Rewriting my portfolio again
The last photo i have before it all slowly broke
Did school instead hww, and going to a "party" tonight lol
whw day 9 I did quite literally nothing on my project today. But I did hijack typescript to work with satriani (the rockstar JS compiler)
whw day 8 Managed to fit my PCB onto 2 layers #hardware-party. Also had a call with mel
Simplified the PCB version (which is a cut down version) of my HWW project for Day 7 #hardware-party
WHW day 6, Got a JLCPCB quote for the commercial version of the project that I designed Yesterday
Day 5 of Hardware Winter Wonderland, Got bored with troubleshooting, so I did some schematic design and then PCB design for a commercially suitable version
Day 4 of Hardware Winter Wonderland? I attached my temperature sensors to screw block terminals so I can more easily secure them. I also emailed pimoroni support about the display that stopped working randomly. and I started working on the receiving end of the UART between my pico's
Day 3
Had a somewhat unsucessfull day. Something happened overnight and now the pico driving my display only talks to my computer when the display isn't powered. it was working fine last night, I did get a new desk tho #hardware-party
Day 2 Part A:
Progressed on my journey to make a smart and reliable electronic thermostat for my fish tank
• Wired up my second temperature sensor
• Found out onewire devices can only send to one pico at a time
• Messed around with my display
• Had both sensors inside my tank and got accurate readings
• My measuring pico's are sending their data to the display pico
Temperature printout for Hardware Winter Wonderland #hardware-party
Winter Hardware Wonderland day 1 part A:
• Lost 2 microcontrollers
• Found out my usb hub doesnt do serial well
• Struggled with my display, but got the sample code working
Finished the page to manage bots on my stats platform
Did some work on my Discord Bot stats platform
Feeling kinda ill, and moved my setup upstairs temporarily. have a picture of a cat who I spent most my life with before he died
Grinded some SOT
I really hope this goes well
Logged into my new HSBC bank account, and realized I could have picked up my parcel today...
Did school, went shopping for a skirt. Twas unsucessful. Now waiting for 20mins
Why is pterodactyl so damn broken
Started migrating server hosts again
just a small bit of mining
Donated the first £10 to my non-profit
My sister made me this
Bought a new domain using the hcb perk, also spotted a fibre install up the road, its hopefully coming to my house. have a picture of blahaj swimming around
Made some progress on my <|> project
My se save corrupted, lost all the progress i made on it. Have a picture of windows shutting down
Went to see Blood Brothers, and cried in confusion trying to use bank api's. Had a debate w mum on why she should sign a contract for bank. And put up this cool looking picture
Did some work experience forms, hopefully going to do it at Rolls Royce
Have a picture of my cat
Did some api typing... damn school days take it out of me
Modifying strudel...
Working on something cool and unofficial for bank 🙂
The pcb's for controling the relay hardware arrived today
Had a great call with bankops talking about winter hardware wonderland...